Working, Working, Working….

Working, Working, Working….

I’m still not quite back in the craft room. It’s THAT time of year again at work where I’m working on contract renewals for both summer lawn /property maintenance contracts for 2010 and snow removal contracts for the 2009-2010 season. Today I am working from home and it’s a busy day. I am happy to have the hours as it means more money to pay off the trip and save towards Christmas… and it’s a JOB. SUPER grateful to have a job in this economy so I can’t complain about the extra work.

We’re trying to avoid the swine flu here at our house. I have a sore throat, but no other symptoms and I am hoping it’s just seasonal allergies, Brent’s boss (went home yesterday with symptoms), coworker (on bed rest by dr’s orders), and sis in law (also in bed on dr’s orders) all have the swine flu… yikes! We’re stocking up on essentials, medications, and long term foods to limit trips to the store and trying to keep rested and healthy so we can avoid catching the swine flu this season. We’re also limiting exposure to large groups of people and are avoiding shaking hands and being in close proximity to those who may be ill. (I sure wish I could avoid the dr office altogether!!!) I carry hand sanitizer and a small baggie of Lysol wipes in my purse, too.

What are you and your family doing to avoid getting the swine flu this year?

3 thoughts on “Working, Working, Working….

  1. Good to see you post, sounds like you are busy. Um, doing our normal stuff to avoid getting sick…lots of hand washing. Hope everyone recovers quickly! And hope you don't get it!

  2. I make sure we take zinc tablets. It helps to fight off things. This year we have also started this zipfizz additive to our bottles of water. It is like taking a vitamin B shot. Can do up to 3 tubes in a day. I get mine at Costco. My son is on the football team of which there has benn at least 5 kids now come down with swine. Just praying that it does stay away from us!

    Denise Wells

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