Witches Night Out – Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween friends!
Hope this post finds you getting ready to go out a-spookin’ tonight with your kids or friends! Tonight Brent and I will be chillin at home with some movies, caramel apples and cider and answering the door for trick or treaters… when we run out of candy we will hide out in the basement. 🙂
A couple of weeks ago I went out “witching” with some girlfriends in Salt Lake City. There’s a shopping center called Gardner’s Village that holds an annual “Witch Fest” &“Witches Night Out” for the public. I’ve always wanted to go, so I was thrilled when Angie invited me to go with her. Angie had the day prior to WF off work so she came over to do some crafting… we ended up spending most of the day shopping for and working on our costume stuff.
{Note – all pics taken with my cell phone, sorry for the poor quality of photos.}
Snacks, glitter, tulle, glue, all kinds of fun goodies for crafting! Even my lovely Sadie got in on the action… She made herself right at home amongst my huge pile of hot pink tulle!
Sadie just LOVES her Auntie Angie and wouldn’t leave her alone… I think it had something to do with the purple tulle bow that Angie tied around Sadie’s neck…
Angie made a “grown up” purple and black tutu to wear over a fabulous thrift skirt she found and made into a ragged edge skirt and I worked on my hat and a pile of flowers for it and the tulle ruffle for my skirt.
Tulle ruffle in progress. I gathered the tulle in sections by hand, then stitched it to some pink satin and then stitched it to the bottom of an existing skirt using long basting stitches so I could remove it for later. I love how the pink just puffs out from under my skirt 🙂
To make my flower piles I cut strips of pink satin and hot glued it while rolling and scrunching to create flowers. I made tulle flowers by gathering small strips and then using my heat gun to melt-scrunch the petals. I used the heat gun on the satin, too, and it helped create some more scrunching. Loooove how they turned out. I stitched the flowers individually to the hat. I added little dots of stickles glue to the main big flower for some more sparkle.
I WAS going to wear these FABULUSH false lashes, but I got them on and it was like I was a horse wearing blinders… I could not see ANYTHING periferally and since I was going to be driving and trying to walk around in a big crowd that was not a good idea so I opted for a shorter, more reasonable, yet still lucious pair from my stash.
I needed a fru fru top to go with the costume, so I bought a roll of “boa” and stitched it to the neckline of one of my existing shirts. I love how it turned out!
I think we turned to be quite the cute witchy pair!
Here are a couple of snapshots of some crazy witches on the train with us. I don’t think you can see how FABULOUS some of the hats are. It was hard to be “inconspicuous” while snapping pics on the train… I think the lady in the cream sweater/scarf knew I was taking her pic. LOL!
It was a giant costume party… seas of hats everywhere… there were even some Pilgrims that showed up!
We had so much fun! Next year we are going to have a hat party prior to the event so we can work on making some FABULOUS hats! We were UNDERDRESSED and UNDERHATTED compared to some of the guests!
Here’s the group of us waiting at the Trax station, We decided to take the train to avoid the crazy parking lot situation. Witches Night Out is a HUGE event.
Hope you have a FABULOUS Halloween celebration tonight! Be safe and stay warm!
Inky Smiles!
One thought on “Witches Night Out – Happy Halloween!”
What a fabulous idea! I think you both look fantastic. Is this a shopping event you go to or just a get together? No matter, I guess, as you all obviously have a grand time regardless.
Thanks for sharing!