What’s This – A Bouquet of Flowers!
I joined Curves almost a month ago. I finally decided that I needed to something about all this extra hamburger I’ve been packing around for years. PCOS and all the many years of infertility drugs have done a number on me… UGH! Went by Curves to “check it out”…. did you know they make you stand on a SCALE and MEASURE you during an assessment before you even sign up??? MY LANDS! The nice little old lady had me kick off my shoes and stand on the scale…. which was followed by a string of obscenities a few naughty undermybreath words and a swift kick to the scale after which I departed the scale, put my shoes back on and handed over my money.
So anyway…. the first day was pure hell. I worked a little too hard and my fibromyalgia flare up points (my forearms) went BERZERK and I laid in bed in pain all night hugging a hot rice bag. The next day I got up and hauled my aching carcass back to Curves and worked out again. So much better the 2nd day and so far, so good. I feel great, haven’t lost any pounds yet, but my shirts are feeling a little looser and my body feels stronger. (Now to work on strengthening my lower back for walking endurance and less pain.)
So what does this have to do with the pretty little teaser I showed you earlier? Well, I will tell you…. Curves is big on “causes”… especially cancer. The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life is coming up in June and you can buy a plain little white sack for $5, decorate it, then hang it on their wall until the Relay For Life. During the RFL, they fill the sacks with sand and a little candle, then line them up along the course and light the candles. I have many relatives who have had cancer… but I thought I’d honor my paternal grandmother this time and make a luminary for her.
Here’s what I came up with. It was so much fun to dream up and make!! I quilled the butterfly out of hand cut cardstock. The flowers are made using BG Urban Prairie paper and CTMH Rustic Flowers Stamp Set and heat embossed & popped up with foam squares.. I hand cut each one and curled the edges. The leaves are hand cut and inked. It originally did not have leaves, but I think I like it better with… 🙂
Basic Grey Urban Prairie paper pack
CTMH Rustic Flowers
Clear Detail Embossing Powder + Versamark
SEI Buttons
Rhinestones & Stars
Martha Stewart Lattice Border Punch & Bubble/Dot Punch (??)
Nestabilities Large Oval and Scalloped Oval
Timber Brown StazOn
White Gel Pen
Textured White Archiver’s Cardstock
Archivers Smooth Cardstock
Aileen’s glue (for quilling)
American Crafts Foam Dots
{As always, you can click for a larger view.}
It was really difficult to get a good photo today. Here are some better close up shots.
And the back:
13 thoughts on “What’s This – A Bouquet of Flowers!”
I love it!! So pretty and such a good cause! I made 2 last year for my MIL and Aunt. They both passed away last year before Relay. Wonder if I can find the pictures I took of them…
It’s gorgeous and for a great cause! I’m glad you’re doing well with Curves!
Yours will be the prettiest luminary on the course!!! It’s beautiful! What a great way to honor your grandmother. As for Curves, good for you. When I was at the newspaper, I did a story about fitness and Curves when it first opened in town. I only needed a demonstration to know that it would kill me. LOL. Seriously though, from what I’ve observed, your “hamburger” will turn into nice lean steak. I reiterate good for you!
Oh my goodness, Erin. This is absolutely beautiful and the back story makes me want to cry! How sweet! What a nice way to honor her! Your art work is always terrific – I love visiting your blog!
Hang in there with the Curves – you deserve it!
Erin! I LOVE your butterfly! It came out fantastic!! I love every single thing about the luminary, not the least of which the backstory. You are one of THE sweetest people I know.
I am SO proud of you for going to Curves and for sticking with it. You deserve only the best.
Love and hugs!
Wow, fun quilling – I really need to do some of that again! Great cause, too – TFS! Good luck with Curves!
Love the descriptive commentary and I wish I was there to join you. I could use some curves; mine seem to be lost underneath what used to be my “bod.” LOL!!! I’m right with you on the fetility pounds, although I think mine are more related to chocolate, but hey, it is a more acceptable excuse so I’m going with it. Keep up the painful work. You know you can do it. You are AMAZING!
P.S. Now I’m going to have to take up quilling. Do you know how many calories that burns??!?! LOL!
P.S. Love the luminary too. You are a wonderful person and a great example!!!
Curves is a great place! I used to go until the company I work for started a “Biggest Winner Challenge” and we got special memberships with a trainer etc close to work. We recently just added on to our office and now how our own gym at work. The trainers will be here next week so help us on all the new equipment. I’m getting motivated to get back on track! your little bag is so cute! I love the butterflies and flowers!
Your luminary is beautiful!! I especially love your butterfly. You did exceptionally well on your quilling. I love quilling!! I need to do more of it!
I think it’s wonderful that you’re doing the “Curves” thing, I wish I could too. Good luck and keep on going. I think I need to find a friend to work out with…I hate to do anything alone. (Not as much fun to talk at myself)
P.S. Thanks so much for your nice comments on my blog. It was great to see it!!
P.S.S. I received 2 more Jessica Sprague classes for Mother’s Day! Whoot Whoot!
Erin, your memorial is beautiful! Stick with curves. I have been with them for 3 years. The past two years I have lost 50lbs and I can move so much better than I ever could. It is scary that they take your measurements but you will feel so much better when you see the measurements go down.
Erin, your luminaria is absolutely gorgeous!! I may have to lift some of your ideas for the luminaria I will be making this year. Last year I made 4 of them. 1 in memory of my aunt and 3 in honor of 2 cousins and an aunt. If I worked smarter, I would make more of the fancy looking ones to be selling at our team fundraisers. Wait…I have about 2 weeks to whip some up for a wine and cheesecake party. Thanks for the ideas.