Water Update

Water Update

We located the problem pipe, which was the backflow preventer…. the darn thing failed … the little flappy valve thing completely broke off and was floating around int he pipe causing blockages. Following removing everything from teh family room (which included everythign from the rest of the basement) and the carpet and carpet pad and a 14″ x 3′ slab of concrete, a colonoscopy and cleanse on my poor house IT HAS BEEN REPAIRED!!! UGH!

Now we wait for the insurance adjuster to call and make the appt to come out and assess the damage and what it will take to get my now unfinished basment back to it’s former 100% finished glory.

My bro and his family have gone back to IA and we are slowly start
ing to clean the upstairs of the house (which looks like a tornado hit it with all the displaced items of furniture, and misc stuff that doesn’t fit elsewhere) from all the dust and junk from the disaster.

I keep trying to think positive, but it’s really quite overwhelming. I have to be grateful that we don’t have our own little children to be displaced and disrupted in this mess, and that really, it could have been loads worse….

Less Soggy Smiles!

PS… on another positive side… Brent hooked my regular computer up in my former sewing room and so now I have access to all my files and fun computer stuff. I did find some fun pics to share of some projects that I did a while back but have not shared yet… YAY! Somethign fun to look at!

2 thoughts on “Water Update

  1. Erin, so sorry to here about your mishap. You are SO right…USAA is an excellent company. Same thing that happened to you happened to us about 20+ years ago before we moved into our new (7 year old) home. same butterfly valve failed to function and flooded the finished lower level. USAA paid for all new carpet and we said goodbye to brown and orange shag carpets that were hideous to look at!Enjoy your NEW stuff..and forget the old,but it could just be a scrapping moment too!

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