Video Tutorial – Nickel and Dime Style Bling Rings
Hey guys!
It’s been a LOOONG crazy summer! I know I’ve been MIA entirely too long. We have had so much going on around here and quite frankly, I decided to cut a few things out of my life for a little while and not stress about them. It’s been a nice vacation from the blog, but I think I am ready to get back into some crafty action again!
We’re still in the process of remodeling our kitchen. We took a break from the finishing touches while we had family in and out for weeks and weeks and did some traveling for Brent’s job. And then I got sick the last big of Sept on our way home from a trip (some respiratory flu) and was sick until just last week when I finally went to the ol; doctor and became a walking pharmacy. haha.. feeling much better now, though.
Oh, and it’s been “that time of year” again…. CANNING SEASON… We did BUSHELS and BUSHELS of grapes and tomatoes, peaches, and 40 lbs of chicken again…. It’s been fun 🙂
And I made a working website for my Creative University Charm Swap Ladies … I’m hosting again this year and it is going to be FABULOUS! There are still a few seats left for Creative University… hop on over and check it out!
So anyway…
One of the exciting things I am up to is teaching at the Junior High here in town. I am now the 4H Afterschool Club Bling leader. I’m teaching crafts and jewelry to a gaggle of 12-15 year old girls. It’s LOADS of fun and loads of work. The opportunity was something I sort of fell into, or rather it fell into my lap, unexpectedly. A friend recommended me to the coordinator and a couple of emails later I was knee deep in the planning. I’m quite enjoying it, actually!
Today we made “Bling Rings” out of Nickels and Dimes, scrap paper, bling, and Glossy Accents. ‘Cuz a girl just can’t get enough bling, right?
I threw this little quickie tutorial together tonight to show you how easy they are to make.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8xhylBtKBw]
Here are some photos from today’s 4H Club Bling adventure!
3 thoughts on “Video Tutorial – Nickel and Dime Style Bling Rings”
Didn't get a chance to watch the video yet, but I wanted to pop in and say HI! Sorry to hear you got sick, and hope that soon you'll be back to 100%. The rings look so cool and aside from being sick, it sounds like you are happily busy!!
That was a great little tutorial Erin! Those rings look really fun, I bet your 4H girls had a blast.
Thanks for sharing!
Erin, you are so fun! How lucky are those girls in your 4H Craft Club? ~Amy