Valentine’s Card Blitz!

Valentine’s Card Blitz!

Hey friends!

I was working on some Valentine’s projects yesterday in hopes of getting everything ready to give this weekend.  I have a fun little something for my sweetheart all figured out and nearly ready to go, but I can’t show it because he reads my blog.  (I should unsubscribe him so he can’t see ahead of time… hehehe!)

I needed some “quickie” type cards and didn’t want to have to think about or dig through embellishments and whatnot to come up with something so I pulled out a VERY, VERY old kit from Pebbles in My Pocket… I think the price tag on the kit had 2005 as the date. LOL!  I have a slight dislike for stickers.  Not quite sure why.. I just really haven’t liked using them in my crafting/scrapping, but I have TWO Crop N Style PSB books FULL of stickers… one is misc stickers and the other is letter stickers.  I challenged myself to use up some stickers on this project.

SO without further adieu…. here are my “Quickie Valentine’s Day Cards” made with leftover scraps and stickers.

This is the first card I made.  Just adhered a strip of striped paper  to the inside of the card and punched the top side of the card with a border punch… used a white pen to stitch around the red cardstock.


This card was made with loads of scrap strips of paper.  I adhered them to a piece of cardstock and then trimmed the whole thing to a standard size card front.  It’s kinda crazy and fun.


This card is my favorite.  Simple, Sweet, to the point.


This was a fun one. The letters and backings are all stickers.  I wrapped a piece of black organdy ribbon around the punched black strip.  The heart is also a sticker and I dotted around it with a white pen.


Here’s a wonky little simple card.  I stuck the sticker heart on a piece of green textured CS and used a white pen to stitch around the heart.  The bottom holes are punched with a Crop O Dile.

Hope you enjoyed this little mini blitz!

~Inky Valentines Day!

7 thoughts on “Valentine’s Card Blitz!

  1. Erin!!! I LOVE that you challenged yourself to use something you don't necessarily love AND you rocked your own challenge. LOVE all the stitching. These cards are excellent! Way to go!

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