UStream Fall Pumpkin Video Tutorial

UStream Fall Pumpkin Video Tutorial

Hey friends!  Sorry I haven’t been around much this week… I didn’t get more owls sewn or even clean my studio up because I worked a couple extra days this week and have been learning the ins and outs of the Ustream broadcasting process.  I also went to the dr again for my knee pain and had a lovely “little” cortisone shot in my knee.  Let me just tell you… that was a whole new adventure in pain. LOL!  It seems to be calming my knee down and I’m able to do a little more again, yay!  However, it does look like I will need to schedule a scope surgery on the knee in the next couple of months. (I’m trying to work up the courage to just go get it done.)

Anyway.. I did have a successful broadcast last night! It was good to see some of you there in the chat room! 🙂 I didn’t have too many technical difficulties and it seemed to go pretty smoothly.  I was nervous as heck but now I think I can handle doing more videos like that. It was actually pretty fun and I only had one of my supplies “jump ship” on me during the broadcast.. one of my leaves decided to FALL (buwahaha) off the desk but thankfully my handy and handsome assistant  (Brent, of course) was nearby to retrieve said fallen leaf. I lurve him.  Oh and my hair cooperated! WOOT!

I’m going to work on the sound and not yelling into the microphone and causing it to go bonk on me. LOL!  Don’t have your sound up too loud or it will be a little “scratchy/screetchy” in places.  I’ve got can lights/recessed lights in my studio ceiling so they shine right down on the desk (hence the circles you see in the reflection).  Gonna work on that, too.

I’m going to be doing another broadcast in a couple of weeks, too!  Watch the video and see what we’re gonna be making!

Here’s the link to my Ustream channel:  Inky Smiles Craft Lounge

And here’s last night’s video! (I apologize for the commercial in front of it… I wish I could take it off.. but the ads help us have a free broadcast.)

Enjoy!  I will be giving one pumpkin away to a random commenter… leave a comment on this post and I will draw a name on Tuesday evening, October 12th.  (And I won’t forget cuz I’m putting it on the calendar in my phone.. aka brain… tee hee!)

~Inky Smiles!

14 thoughts on “UStream Fall Pumpkin Video Tutorial

  1. Thanks for the great tutorial – you did a great job, especially if this is your first one! Like our method of making these pumpkins. It would be such an honor to have one YOU made! Love your hairstyle by the way too.

  2. Your pumpkins are beautiful Erin and the video was great! You are a great teacher and have a wonderful knack for selecting beautiful fabrics.
    Thanks so much for sharing!!


  3. I just love these! The fabric is absolutely beautiful, and you make it look so easy to make, I may have to try some for my Thanksgiving centerpiece. thanks so much for sharing.

    ceashark at aol dot com

  4. Of all the pump-kins I see online, you've got them looking like the real thing!

    Thanks for the humor and always sharing. I live for them both 🙂


  5. Loved your Usteam class. You have a great way of teaching. Easy to follow and listen to. Your lighting, camera, voice and good cheer all made for a delightful class. Lov ya Kathie

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