Tremonton & SEI Treasures

Tremonton & SEI Treasures

When Brent had his interview in Tremonton a couple of weeks ago, I went up with him. (We still are waiting to hear either a yes or a no about the job….) I decided that since we were up there and so close to Logan that we’d take a little side trip and drive over to Logan and make a little stop to a place I’ve been wanting to visit for a while….


YESSSSSSSSS! We stopped at SEI and visited their OUTLET. I have a retailer account with them and have been trying to decide what products to carry (if we decide to carry any of them) at Stamper Storage and I really wanted to see a few of their scrapbook KITS in person before ordering anything. I already know that I love their buttons and things… *grin*


I think I did a good job at controlling myself for spending…. I only picked up a couple of things. I think if I hadn’t been so incredibly tired from getting up at o’dark thirty (around 5 am) and having had spent the entire day in the car driving and waiting for B to finish his interview that I might have spent more money…. LOL! I just wanted to see what they had in person and then get home, I was one pooped girlie.


I showed a friend and she said “That’s ALL you got???” LOL! Yes, that’s it. I have so much STUFF in my stash that I don’t use as it is… I only picked up things that I had ideas for already. And a girl can never have too many buttons….

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