Totally Terrific Tuesday!
I know I said that I was going to draw a random name last night for the TFT prize… (see end of post)…. I was crazy busy yesterday and now my sweet husband is very sick with what I have been suffering from for the past week….. I just didn’t have time.
Today was a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!! It was quite a busy day, but I had so much fun! I was up early this morning and headed up north. I tried to stop and get my digi camera cleaned, but turns out the black spot on my camera is something on my sensor and I need to drop the camera off tomorrow for a couple of hours so they can do a thorough cleaning. It’s $40.o0 but I think it’s so worth it considering the replacement cost of the camera. Might as well do some preventative maintenance! 🙂
I ended up in Ogden today (about 100 or so miles north of me) to participate in a Fiskars
Certified Demonstrator Training class, led by our own Jen B #258!
Basically I am now “certified” by Fiskars, but not an employee of Fiskars, to demonstrate how to use their crafting products. I can work out trainings at craft fairs and at local stores to show Fiskars products. We got to use all sorts of fun stuff today: Fiskars border punches, squeeze punches, the Ultra Shape Xpress, embossing plates, the new FREAKING AWESOME paper cutters (MUST HAVE NOW), etc. I also got to meet some of the Fiskateers from the area (Jeri – see photos on right – and Amy and a future Fiskateer, Jen). Jen has a good photo of the group of us… It was a GRAND afternoon! NOTE: If you would like to become a certified Fiskars Demonstrator, please drop me an email and I will find someone in your area who can train you, too! You can also CLICK HERE for more information.
As it turns out, my friend, Amaryllis is staying in Logan for a few weeks taking care of her MIL who has cancer. Amaryllis was able to come down to Ogden to have some de-stress time with the girls. It was so cool to get to see her this afternoon! We had a GREAT time chatting and hanging out.
On the way home, I stopped off in American Fork to visit (more like barge in with a 5 minute warning) my friend, Liz, and see her FABULOUS new craft studio in PERSON! Girls, it is even cuter and cozier in PERSON. You should see her awesome magnet board up close. Oh today was a fun, fun day! I really needed it after having been cooped up in the house for a long, long, sick week and some extra days.
RAK WINNER: I gave each comment a number and used a random integer generator to choose a name…. The winner is Blueicycle! You know the spiel… drop me an email with your deets and I will pop the prize in the mail!
Inky Smiles!
7 thoughts on “Totally Terrific Tuesday!”
Sound like a lot of fun you had! Congrats on being certified!
What a great reward for getting through your week of being sick!! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Congrats on getting ceritified. (I didn’t know you could even do that) So what’s the scoop on this trimmer you mentioned? What tips did they tell you on how to use it so it would cut straight?>>I hope your hubby is feeling better soon!!>>By the way…the new banner looks awesome! Love your tiara!!
Girl it was so great to meet you! What a cute lil part of the net you have here! Added ya to my fav’s! Ummm thanx for postin that pic….eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww!!!>LOL>>Hugs…Jer aka scrappinhero
Ya ! Thanks Erin, I was in TN woohoo!
I so want to get certified but their seems to be no one near me to do it. If sure looks like you had a ton of fun!
That was a fun day!! Now “back to life, Back to reality!” >>Oh yeah, thanks for the AWESOME “A”!!!!!>>Huggs!!!>AAAAAAAAA
I really want to do this training in Richmond!