Thoughts for Thursday, Swap Reveal & RAK Opportunity.

Thoughts for Thursday, Swap Reveal & RAK Opportunity.

“ We all live with the objective of being happy;
our lives are all different and yet the same. ”

– Helen Keller (1880-1968) author, lecturer, activist

Helen Keller was a remarkable woman. She overcame great odds and despite her physical issues made a happy life for herself. Our lives really are all different, but we all want to be happy.

This {REVEAL} card makes me happy. (Click on photo for a larger view.) It’s Pam Klassen’s card for our two part swap. She made the random stamped paper and I created the card around it. I piled up loads of glass beads on globs of Liquid Glass (CTMH). I hand scored the grid lines in the Blush CS and sanded to reveal the white core. I used the Coluzzle oval template to cut the oval sentiment piece and mat. All papers, inks, ribbons and metals are CTMH. Stamp set is Love Quotes from CTMH.

RAK Opportunity:

Post to THIS POST only and tell me (answers found on my blog):

– what my dog’s name is
– where I went for Mother’s Day weekend this year (made me sooooo happy)
– AND something that makes YOU happy or something you’ve done to make someone else happy. Heck, make a layout about it if you want, too!

On Sunday I will draw a random winner (you gotta answer all three questions) who will receive a really cool retired (but NEW) CTMH booking stamp set which includes 4 small individual stamps, no block.

Inky Smiles!

19 thoughts on “Thoughts for Thursday, Swap Reveal & RAK Opportunity.

  1. Hey,hey … Inky Smiles! How bout a prize for being the first chickadee with the right answers!!!Your dog’s name is OddDog (aka Sadie) and you went to Moab for Mother’s Day.Cooking for people makes me happy. I did a layout of my daughter cooking on Thanksgiving, which reminded me of how happy cooking makes us both – I’ll post it on my blog today. I just have to get some brads to put the title “Chef JR” on it this afternoon.Thanks again for keeping me inspired to scrapbook, Erin! Keep smilin’ inky girl!Allie

  2. Beautiful card!!!Doggie’s name is Sadie…and for Mother’s Day you went to Moab.I have something I do for other people that makes them happy and me happy – it’s a two part thing! 😀 Since I sew, I made the wedding dressed for 3 of my friends. The last one I made (beginning of October), handed me some $$ to pay for my work, and I turned around and handed it back to the bride and groom as a wedding gift 🙂Thanks for the opportunity to share 🙂CarleeFiskateer #2225

  3. 1. Your dog’s name is OddDog (aka Sadie).2. You & Brent went to Moab for a river rafting trip for Mother’s Day.3. I like to give people ‘gifts’ of the things that I make. I have given my sister, her DH, my mother, my nieces all little mini books, cd books or things that I know that they’d treasure. I enjoy making them & that makes me happy. I also enjoy seeing how happy they are receiving them.

  4. Youre dog’s name is sadie,you went to Moab for Mother’s day,and Looking after dogs for people when they go away,scrapbooking,and my dogs make me happy. Joan fiskateer #808

  5. Cute card and love all the details! Whooo Hooo….blog candy! I can’t resist candy.1) Sadie is the name of your dog2) MOAB is where you went for Mother’s Day and had a BLAST!3) What makes me happy is STAMPING and winning blog candy (tee hee..hint hint) I love to stamp and make special things for the people in my life. It always puts smiles on their faces and that is what it is all about.Thanks for a


  7. I love a good trivia contest. Your dog is Sadie and you went to Moab for Mother’s Day. Terrific pics of the trip, btw! What makes me happy? Spending time running around outside with my DH and DS, who would live outside if he could! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Lets see you went rafting at Moab on Mother’s Day Weekend (the usually pain in the butt holiday for you…direct quote) and your baby’s (dog’s) name is Sadie….and what do I do that makes other people happy…I try to say something nice to everyone I see at work during the day. Sounds corny hunh? Maybe but if you say something nice first, it makes it hard for them to grumble…. 🙂 and sometimes it even will get a smile or two… 🙂

  9. Sadie is your dogs name.~you went to Moab for a river rafting trip~ Oh well since I already did a layout on what makes me happy (reading a good book) I’ll pick something else. I just love to sew and enjoy it even more if I don’t have to do any taking apart for sewing things wrong. Love it even more when the thing I sew turns out like I want it! ( there’s a photo of me and my sister working on a rug in my Fisk-A-Teer gallery)Brenmarie

  10. Your dog is Sadie (loved the party hat!), you went to Moab for Mother’s Day (where no buttes but yours were harmed), and what makes me happy is dancing- when I’m at a dance I suffer from a condition a friend calls “Contra Face”, which is a huge ear to ear grin. It’s wonderful to be moving to music, interacting with friends, and part of a community that stretches from one end of this country to the other….and beyond. If you haven’t, go contra dancing.

  11. Dogs name is Sadie, and you went to Moab for Mothers day.What makes me happy is a beautiful day – like we had today – no clouds, just blue sky, taking my dog for a walk then a play in the yard followed by a lovely cold drink. Nothing better.Christine – Fiskateer # 2264

  12. The card is so pretty.I love checking your blog, it’s so inspiring. 1. – Sadie (OddDog)2. – Moab3. – Being with my family makes me happy. Traveling comes in second.

  13. OMG!! What a great prize!! Here are the answers:1. OddDog or Sadie2. MOAB3. I love giving RAKs to people and donating things to a good cause. I just donated my hair (see my blog for photos!) and I just gave away $200 worth of Mary Kay products to my blog readers! I hope it puts a smile on someone’s face!Thanks!Cheryl KVD

  14. What a gorgeous shaker card!1. Dog is Sadie2. Moab rafting down Colorado River.3. Talking about my love for Jesus and what He has done in my life makes me happy – I hope that sharing my testimony makes others happy as well. My family is my joy – those grandkids keep me young, they are so full of fun and constantly make me laugh:)

  15. Erin you tell a great story! Here’s what I found out reading your blog… your dogs name is OddDog but lovingly referred to as Sadie, you and your Hubby went to Moab on a river rafting adventure on the Colorado river and you also visited Deadhorse Point and Arches National Park…sounds like it was alot of fun!! I totally agree with you on the life jackets, ugh!This coming saturday November 17th I will be marrying my Best Friend!We’ve been together for almost 13 years and it’s time! :O) Happy for me is spending everyday with John .. happier yet I will be spending those days as his wife! I’m so Excited!

  16. Erin,Your dog’s name is Sadie Grotegut! 🙂 You traveled to Moab for Mother’s Day and had a blast. Being with friends and family makes me happy!Kristin H.

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