Thoughts For Thursday – Happiness

Thoughts For Thursday – Happiness

“For happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you.”
—Charlie Brown; main character in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz.

It’s a Charlie Brown quote today! I’m swamped with crazy things for the next WEEK!!!

{Brace Yourself}


{Prepare for longrunonsentencewithpoorpunctuation}

I have a lesson to teach at Church next Sunday, 2 very important meetings for church, 1 very important meeting tomorrow evening for something wonderful I’m working on (deets later), some Guest Designing to do for Sweet N Sassy Stamps for March (think two new releases and I have them first- woo hoo!), a creative video to make for the something wonderful I’m working on, an extra day at work tomorrow, regular work next week, (bear with me, almost done here) and several InkStaks to build this weekend, and did I mention Mt Grotegut in the laundry room that needs to be tackled?? (How do TWO people and a dog make so much laundry?)… and then there’s my birthday!! Brent wants to know what I want to do… “of course I want to have a cake & ice cream party, dear, but WHEN???”

*WHEW!!!* Ok, so, I feel a lot better now that I have listed out most of the “to do list” and gotten it out of my head…. lol!

Tonight (while I have been trying to decompress and de-stress) I have been reflecting on things that make me happy. A few of them are people (ok, one is a furrpeople) who I love and the others are things. Here are a few of them.

1.) My WONDERFUL husband, Brent (who made us a fabulous Chicken Scampi dinner Olive Garden style tonight), who I LOVE DEARLY and thank the Lord EVERY DAY for blessing me with him.
2.) My sweet and loving furrbaby, Sadie. She’s brought me so much happiness and joy. I don’t know what I would have done without her as my “baby” during this trial of infertility and previous infertility treatments. She is the best little friend and pet a family could have.
3.) My close friends who have stood by me in all my ridiculous times, good times, and bad times.
4.) The color Pink. It makes me feel cheerful.
5.) Chocolate milk. Mmm… do I need to say more?
6.) The grass poking through the snow on my front lawn. It means SPRING is coming!

Here’s a {ME} Assignment: We seldom scrapbook about ourselves… we generally scrapbook about the things and people we love. This week I want you to think about some things that make you happy.

a.) Write them down in a notebook.
b.) Next, journal about them and list out a few reasons why.
c.) Create a digital or traditional (paper) scrapbook layout.
d.) Use a photo of YOU as the main photo (at least 4×6) and use smaller photos of some of the things that make you happy.

IF you’d like to share, leave a link here in the comments section. I would love to see what makes you happy!

Inky Smiles!

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