Thoughts for Thursday and Thirty Thousand Hits – RAK RAK RAK !

Thoughts for Thursday and Thirty Thousand Hits – RAK RAK RAK !

“ Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ”

– Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens] (1835-1910),
humorist, essayist, novelist

This month, go out and do something that you’ve always wanted to do! Do something for yourself and do it without regret! Take a class, learn a new sport, make a new friend….

Inky Smiles!

img88224web-4762101My counter says over 30,000 hits!!!! WOOOOOT! I thinkimg88234web-3342543 I need to give something away! How about some chip board elements from American Crafts?

I have a little Holiday House Chipboard Summer container choc full of fun colorful paper treats waiting for a new home in some lucky person’s STASH!

img88244web-7768780Leave a comment on this post and I will have Brent draw a name on Sunday for a lucky winner!

Inky Smiles!

59 thoughts on “Thoughts for Thursday and Thirty Thousand Hits – RAK RAK RAK !

  1. Congrats Erin! That’s fantastic. I love Terri’s line of thinking…put one of those babies up for grabs and I’ll be you’ll be at 60,000 in the blink of an eye. LOLSeriously though, I think it is wonderful that you are having such success on the blog and with the biz.Hugs!

  2. wow! Great give away! I love your ribbon holder and I have loved the ink holders since you first posted one on the CTMH boards. Thanks for sharing!Gerriann

  3. Congrats! This month, I signed up for the Avon Breast Cancer 2-day walk! I’ve been talking about it for a few years, and decided to just DO it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. 30,000, whooee! That’s a BIG number! Congratulations! Isn’t it fun to have something you love that you can share with so many people?

  5. What a great way to start the day. That quote is awesome and I’m going to take it’s advice. This weekend I promise to myself to do something just for me.Love the blog and all the great ideas that you share!Hugs,Suz

  6. wow…I’ve been checking out your blog for a while now and didn’t realize you were the same Erin as on another site! Cool!Congrats on your blog success, I’ve really enjoyed my time here!

  7. Congrats on your success! You must be thrilled. I had a website for 6years and I know how hard that can be. Looking around and I think I will be back often.Those chipboards are so colorful and what’s not to love????Summer is my favorite time in the year.Wish it was here today,Donna

  8. I\’ve been subscribing to your blog since the beginning and always enjoy your posts along with everyone\’s comments. You go, girl!

  9. I have so many things I would like to do, or finish doing. I have been wanting to alter a huge clock, so I’ll just make myself get to it.Thanks for the inspiration!I know once I get started I won’t quit. lolWhat a great challenge

  10. I love those Fun shapes!I decided that I am going to go to a crop, 1st time ever, before the end of the month.I am so looking forward to it. Now, what to pack?

  11. This is something that I’m working on this year. I never really do anything for myself. My DH is always telling to but, I just can’t. Thanks for inspiring me to do it. I’ll try do something small this weekend.

  12. Hi, I noticed your message on the fiskateers site and thought I would pop over (never one to miss a RAK opportunity), I think I will be saving this blog site to my fav’s – you have some great stuff here. thanks for sharing.From Christine Cleary (

  13. well done, on such a successful blog pg & so nice to be sharing the love with giving out some cute little summery colours of chipboard,droooool i loveeee chipboard LOL:)

  14. I absolutely love this quote. It will be going up somewhere in my house to remind me to do those things I want to now and not put it off.I love the blog – keep up the fun!Lisa P.

  15. 30,000+!!! Way to go! Congrats! And what cropper wouldn’t love more chipboard? Mahalo and Aloha,Anitaaka Krafty Wahine #395

  16. OHMY GOSH!Krafty Wahine!!!! ROFLMBO!!! I haven’t heard the term “wahine” in a loong, looong, looooooong time! My little bro and sis were both born in Hawaii when Dad was stationed there! We call them our “little wahines”LOLOL!Thanks for the chuckle KF!I’m loving reading everyone’s posts! Keep them coming 🙂 Brent will draw a name tomorrow 🙂 Inky Smiles!E.

  17. OHMY GOSH!Krafty Wahine!!!! ROFLMBO!!! I haven\’t heard the term \”wahine\” in a loong, looong, looooooong time! My little bro and sis were both born in Hawaii when Dad was stationed there! We call them our \”little wahines\”LOLOL!Thanks for the chuckle KF!I\’m loving reading everyone\’s posts! Keep them coming 🙂 Brent will draw a name tomorrow 🙂 Inky Smiles!E.

  18. Incredible number of hits-congratulations. I would love to be able to scrap for about 3 days totally uninterrupted by anybody or anythign!

  19. Sad to read that you resigned from CTMH on an earlier post….I remember your name from helping other consultants get bargains from one of the warehouse sales…Loved your heart project…I’ll have to check out your other CTMH projects…

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