“The Host” by Stephenie Meyer (no spoilers)

“The Host” by Stephenie Meyer (no spoilers)

We take a break from regular blog festivities to bring you this special announcement…..

Where did this week go?? I missed Thoughts for Thursday! Oh, I know! Tuesday was the Borders Adventure (and I started reading “The Host”) and Wed was work, work, work and I spent the evening holed up in bed finishing reading “The Host”… then Thursday I was out of town to see a doctor that a friend recommended and busy, busy in the evening with my church calling. I am sorry I missed TFT this week…. will try to do better this week! BTW… “The Host” was VERY difficult to really get into… the first 150 pages or so were slow and boring… then the book got good tolerable for some chapters… but the ending seemed to happen way too fast as compared to the pace of the rest of the book. It was almost like Stephenie Meyer realized she was 600 or so pages into the book and the publisher was banging on the door to get it done, so she quickly wrapped it up in the last 30 or so pages… I was really not all that impressed with the concept presented in the story, either. It reminded me a lot of the same concept of the bad guys in the Sci Fi series, “Stargate SG-1”. I was a little dissappointed….. I am still going to the books signing on Friday and will most likely Ebay or give away the book to a die hard SM fan….

Back tomorrow with some ARTWORK!!! WOO HOO!

One thought on ““The Host” by Stephenie Meyer (no spoilers)

  1. So glad to hear your input on “The Host”…I just started Twilight…yes, Im a lil behind on the times 😉 but I am loving it so far. I saw The Host…but glad to hear what you think of it before I make that big purchase 🙂

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