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Tag: Jewelry Making

Chain Mail – But Not the Annoying Kind

Chain Mail – But Not the Annoying Kind

I’ve been meaning to get these pics posted and when Jeanne showed her chain maille project I figured I’d better get it up. When I was visiting Jeanne in Colorado earlier this month we took a little trip to her local Hobby Lobby which is seriously just around the corner from her house.  I bought a whole buncha cool schtuff.. mainly jewelry making schtuff and this really cool “dress form”. to put in the empty corner behine my computer monitor. …

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Bling, Jiggle, Bling, Bling

Bling, Jiggle, Bling, Bling

I have been buried under piles of beads and jump rings for the last couple of days. I have found a new PASSION! Jewelry making has always intrigued me and I have dabbled in it here and there… Back in November I took a class on crocheted necklaces…made a zillion of those and then signed up for Tresa Black’s Creative University next month… and guess what?  They do a CHARM SWAP… and guess what else?  Silly me signed up for…

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Crocheted Jewelry

Crocheted Jewelry

In my efforts to get back into crafting again (now that I am feeling better and HUMAN) I have decided to take a few classes here and there as I find interesting ones at the local craft stores. Last night I went to Roberts craft for a fun jewelry class. We learned to make necklaces by crocheting wire and interweaving beads. It was so much fun! And… it was relatively easy. If you can crochet a single stitch chain from…

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Kids, Kids, and more Kids

Kids, Kids, and more Kids

Hey all!  It’s been a wonky week again.  Summers are usually this way for us and we usually end up with a plethora of odds n’ ends kids hanging out with us around our house…. I had a surprise visit from my nieces (on B’s side) Tuesday through Thursday.   Their mom had to work and their babysitter got promoted to full time at her regular job so they came to stay with me for a couple of days.   We had…

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A Little Blingy Bling: Jewelry for Grown Ups

A Little Blingy Bling: Jewelry for Grown Ups

When my sister was here, my niece, Squid, and I made a bracelet and necklace set for her (see this post).  Afterwards, I think she ran off in pure bliss and then crashed out. (I don’t quite remember the details as I was immersed in grown up beads….) Anyway…  Squid and I had made a cool multi colored bracelet and some earrings to go with them for my mom back in May.  Mom wore them to a party at my…

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Bling It, Squid!

Bling It, Squid!

When I get to visit with my family I love to do things with my niece, Squid. Squid LOVES jewelry, bling, and pretty things. (Hey, like her favorite auntie!) Anyway… one of the days she was here we made a bracelet and necklace set for her. For a little squirt, she’s pretty good at stringing beads. She even helped me make an adult styled bracelet for my mom back in May when B & I were in Iowa. Here we…

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Bracelets and Friends

Bracelets and Friends

Do you ever have days/weeks/months where you feel like this? Seriously… July has been INSANE. Anyway. Brent is at city council tonight and I don’t have ANYTHING (no meetings, chores – but not because they aren’t there, no ailments, etc) else going on for a change so I thought I’d blog a little. Today I got to hang out for a few hours with one of my best friends. Janeen & Andy lived across the street into the house that…

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