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Tag: General Crafts

SSD Sketch SS01 – My Card, Better Late Than Never

SSD Sketch SS01 – My Card, Better Late Than Never

This is my take on the Skipping Stones Design Sketch SS01.  I had a lot of fun with this sketch.. it made me think a little and then it was screaming “CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS” at me so I couldn’t resist.  Afterall, it IS that time of year again. Here’s the Christmas Swirls stamp set: I wanted to do something a little out of my box and decided to try a somewhat monochromatic look with metallic shimmer cardstock.  I have such a…

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Crocheted Jewelry

Crocheted Jewelry

In my efforts to get back into crafting again (now that I am feeling better and HUMAN) I have decided to take a few classes here and there as I find interesting ones at the local craft stores. Last night I went to Roberts craft for a fun jewelry class. We learned to make necklaces by crocheting wire and interweaving beads. It was so much fun! And… it was relatively easy. If you can crochet a single stitch chain from…

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A New To Me Craft… Stained Glass

A New To Me Craft… Stained Glass

Before Brent left to go out campaigning (door to door visiting) this morning he told me “You HAVE to put some crafty stuff back up on your blog again.  People don’t want to read about how busy you are again.” LOL!  Ok, darling, dear…. While we were in Massachusetts we bounced around from house to house (on the 2nd part of our trip) so we’d be able to see and visit with more family members.   One of our nights (the…

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Getting Back In The Saddle / Swing of Things / Craft Room Again

Getting Back In The Saddle / Swing of Things / Craft Room Again

Hey friends! Just a quick note to let you know that I have not died or dropped off the planet. We just got back this morning (3:30 am) from a fabulous 11 day east coast vacation to see the foliage changing in upper New Hampshire, Vermont, playing in the Boston area, visiting my extended family in western Massachusetts and celebrating my grandfather’s 80th birthday. It was SO MUCH FUN and I am SO STINKING tired. COMPLETELY filled a 2 gig…

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To Infinity & Beyond….

To Infinity & Beyond….

Sorry, couldn’t resist. The Infinity Board I saw this online at Gina K’s Stamp TV site. Click anywhere on this line for instrux. {Edited for Clarification} This Infinity Board is a homemade “Infinity Board” (cased from REAL Infinity Board) .  You can use this as a “backdrop” for photos of cards and other smaller projects.  It’s great for photographing small items for your blog or etsy and ebay type stores.  You will still need some good lighting for your photographs. …

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Oh La La! A Summer Candle with Charm

Oh La La! A Summer Candle with Charm

Let’s break up the string of cupcake cards and share this fun little project instead. Last Thursday night we had an Enrichment meeting for church.  We had a garden style tea party and celebrated the female leaders in our church history.  It was loads of fun.  Some of the sisters dressed up in period clothing dating back to the pioneers and most came in modern day clothing, but lots of people wore a “tea party hat”.   We had a little…

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More Cupcakes

More Cupcakes

Where did the weekend go?  It seemed to fly by so fast this time!   We were busy doing “outdoors” type stuff this weekend.  Brent went and helped Mini C#1 with his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday morning and then Saturday evening we worked on our disaster zone yard.   Last week we had some pretty big microbursts in Payson… several trees were blown over and in general it was a big mess.   The onions in our garden are all laid over…

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A Little Blingy Bling: Jewelry for Grown Ups

A Little Blingy Bling: Jewelry for Grown Ups

When my sister was here, my niece, Squid, and I made a bracelet and necklace set for her (see this post).  Afterwards, I think she ran off in pure bliss and then crashed out. (I don’t quite remember the details as I was immersed in grown up beads….) Anyway…  Squid and I had made a cool multi colored bracelet and some earrings to go with them for my mom back in May.  Mom wore them to a party at my…

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Bling It, Squid!

Bling It, Squid!

When I get to visit with my family I love to do things with my niece, Squid. Squid LOVES jewelry, bling, and pretty things. (Hey, like her favorite auntie!) Anyway… one of the days she was here we made a bracelet and necklace set for her. For a little squirt, she’s pretty good at stringing beads. She even helped me make an adult styled bracelet for my mom back in May when B & I were in Iowa. Here we…

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Scrap My Scraps Challenge: Card Set #5

Scrap My Scraps Challenge: Card Set #5

Happy Monday!  Welcome back to Scrap My Scraps! Here is Card Set #5 This set of cards is pretty awesome!   You’re not going to believe it, but nobody saw anybody else’s cards until THIS POST!   Check out the similarities in design and themes… LOL!  I about fell out of my seat when I saw them all together.   Kathi did not know that I had cut out leaves for my card or put a “buckle looking” band across it, either.   Also……

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