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Tag: General Crafts

Bling, Jiggle, Bling, Bling

Bling, Jiggle, Bling, Bling

I have been buried under piles of beads and jump rings for the last couple of days. I have found a new PASSION! Jewelry making has always intrigued me and I have dabbled in it here and there… Back in November I took a class on crocheted necklaces…made a zillion of those and then signed up for Tresa Black’s Creative University next month… and guess what?  They do a CHARM SWAP… and guess what else?  Silly me signed up for…

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Stained Glass Butterfly on the Finished Project

Stained Glass Butterfly on the Finished Project

Ahhhh I totally got buried in projects (not all crafty) last week and forgot to post this. I was cleaning up my camera card this morning and found these photos. Oooops! Please forgive me! As promised in this post, I am posting what I did with my stained glass butterfly. I love making cute, altered goodies for my studio and for other people. When I was sitting at my desk creating this little guy, there was a plain and boring…

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Tutorial – Faux Stained Glass & A Bonus

Tutorial – Faux Stained Glass & A Bonus

Are you recovered from the Blog Hop yet? I’m not quite sure I am! LOL! I keep going back to various blogs and enjoying the art. I’ve got to work up something for the Sketch coming up on Tuesday still today but in the meantime I have been dying to share this with you…. A lot of people commented on how the butterfly on my card looked like stained glass. Thank you! That’s exactly what I wanted it to look…

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ANNOUNCEMENT – Erin’s Sketch Contest Winner

ANNOUNCEMENT – Erin’s Sketch Contest Winner

Thank you girls for playing along with us with the sketches on my Cupcake Cutie giveaway! The following girls played along with cards and posted their links in the comments: 1) Amaryllis B  (she did a card & a layout) 2) Stacey F. 3) Sammye Jo (twice!!) 4) Jeff*Nichole*Hudson (which is Nichole) 5) Amanda D. I decided the easiest way to choose was to number them and then use the random number generator again. The Prize is            And our…

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ANNOUNCEMENT – Skipping Stones Design Blog Hop Winner

ANNOUNCEMENT – Skipping Stones Design Blog Hop Winner

First of all I want give you all a big fat THANK YOU for participating in our blog hop!  What an amazing turn out and how fun it was to see all the beautiful art along the way.   I had a blast hopping along and finding new blogs to read and follow! I also want to say THANK YOU to Heather of Skipping Stones Design who invited each of us to participate and gave us all these fabulous stamps to…

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BLOG HOP COMING! Read about it here!

BLOG HOP COMING! Read about it here!

Skipping Stones Design is GEARING UP for their first BLOG HOP and BELIEVE ME you are NOT going to want to miss this! Along the way, the Skipping Stones Design Team (aka the Stamp Tramps) will have blog candy for you to enter.  As an added bonus, there will also be 4 stamp sets (new stamp sets not yet released) will be hidden along the hop, but we’re not telling you where so be sure to leave some love as…

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Best Friends – Digi LO

Best Friends – Digi LO

We are snowed in here in Utah today.  I still feel a little under the weather and ooogy, but I am going to try to make it up to work today after the weather stops dumping slippery stuff on the highway.  I’ve been listening to the news today and there are literally hundreds of accidents up and down I-15. ARgh. I decided to make some good use of my time and tried a project that isn’t really working out so…

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Skipping Stones Design SSD05 – Earth Has No Sorrow

Skipping Stones Design SSD05 – Earth Has No Sorrow

I’m sorry that I’m posting this a bit late.  I like to have my posts scheduled to go at least the day prior to when they’re due.  I’ve been sick with a nasty bug since last Wednesday.  I finally found my voice again and now my stomach is having issues.  ARGH. LOL!  What craziness, eh?  So I did find some time to play over the Christmas holiday and played with some more of my Skipping Stones Design stamps.  Heather sent…

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Skipping Stones Design Sketch SSD04: Fishing You…

Skipping Stones Design Sketch SSD04: Fishing You…

I’ve been a busy girl this past week. I have a lot of schtuff to upload to share, but the days are getting away from me with all this Christmas prep going on. Can u say CRAZY days? This weekend I played around with my Skipping Stones Design stamps again and created this fun little card with the Tropical Birthday stamp set. I really like this set! I tried a few different things with the images, but ultimately I decided…

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Skipping Stones Design Sketch SSD03 – Stained Glass Butterfly

Skipping Stones Design Sketch SSD03 – Stained Glass Butterfly

I was working on a lot of projects this weekend.  I can share two of them with you after Thursday when the recipient gets them. (She reads this blog from time to time so I don’t dare share yet.)  Today I actually wrote our Christmas letter and printed it out and created a digital Christmas photo card to go with them.  I created one last year, too, but never mailed it.. lol… I thought about reusing it and then remembered…

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