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Tag: General Crafts

Tutorial: Popped Metal or Metal Popping

Tutorial: Popped Metal or Metal Popping

I had so much fun making my last SSD card and figured I should share with you how I did my background for my “masculine” card. I think I will call this technique “Popped Metal” or “Metal Popping”. I was going to try to use a “Chalk Popping” technique on the card but realized I needed to think up something else when I peeked at my chalks and saw that I only had pastel colors… so I pulled open my…

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Skipping Stones Design Sketch Tuesday: SSD022 Surrender to the Wind

Skipping Stones Design Sketch Tuesday: SSD022 Surrender to the Wind

Happy Tuesday Inky Friends! Sadly, today is our last sketch with the awesome Kimberly Crawford, but I really had fun with this one. It’s a simple, straightforward sketch, but I had an idea almost immediately and created my card last TUESDAY, which is NUTS for me. LOL! Usually it’s Saturday night and I’m stressing about it. hehe! Anyway.. moving on… Here’s today’s sketch: I played around with the Whispering Wings stamp set and decided to go with something a little…

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I’m Such A Copy Cat

I’m Such A Copy Cat

I loved Jeanne Tomshack’s post of her Egg Wreath and had to copy it. I love putting different wreaths on my front door for the seasons and holidays and didn’t have an Easter one. I didn’t want to purchase a ready made one because they’re in the $30-$40 range for what I was liking…. so I decided to case Jeanne’s Easter wreath and wait to buy one after the holiday on a good sale 🙂 I went to our Dollar…

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It’s Always A Good Time For Cake

It’s Always A Good Time For Cake

It’s always a good time for cake, and my birthday was a couple of weeks ago, but I didn’t have CAKE this year so I figured I’d whip up something yummy for myself. LOL! Yeah yeah yeah… cake is seriously the best part of birthday celebrations… well, besides spending the day with loved ones. Cake, well, it’s da bomb. So anyway.. I’ve been on this crochet kick the last couple of weeks and I have been having a blast. I…

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Scrap My Scraps II: Reveal #2 – Stacey Tippetts

Scrap My Scraps II: Reveal #2 – Stacey Tippetts

We’re up to Reveal #2 today in the Scrap My Scraps II challenge.  This is so fun for me getting to see what other people come up with using my “odds and ends”.  I’m waiting on the rest of the group to send their photos in. I believe that one set went MIA in the  mail but hopefully the others make it here soon 🙂 Today we have a treat froM Stacey Tippetts  What a treat when I opened my…

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Scrap My Scraps II: Reveal #1- Emily McLemore

Scrap My Scraps II: Reveal #1- Emily McLemore

I’m starting to get the photos in from the players in the Scrap My Scraps Challenge part II. I was so excited to see this email from Emily McLemore come through with a lot of photos. She created this darling banner project to use up that Pepto Pink Paper. And seriously, I’m not hating the paper as much. Sometimes it really just does take a different view on something to change your mind. I love how Emily added all the…

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Blog Candy Winner Announced

Blog Candy Winner Announced

Hey friends!  I realized that I did not put an announcement date on the blog candy, so I figured I’d better give it away now before I go too long and forget. I pulled up and had it “draw” a random number between 1 and 16. Drum roll please…. The lucky winner is Stacey Tippets is Comment #14!  Congratulations Stacey!  I will pop THIS UNRELEASED Skipping Stones Design stamp set in the mail to you this weekend! ~Inky Smiles!!…

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Photo Roundup: Creative University 2010 – Make-N-Takes

Photo Roundup: Creative University 2010 – Make-N-Takes

I’m finally getting around to sorting through my photos from Creative University.   Let me just tell ya… I had SO MUCH STINKIN fun!!! n (Ok, well Stacey and I missed the “stinky” part because the Friday group had the water run out on them and nobody got showers…)  We made some projects and crafty goodness on very little sleep. LOL!  Here is a brief photo summary of the projects we made. ************************************************************* Wall Hanging w/Elegant Paper Flowers ~ designed by…

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…and now I’m back…. for a minute anyway

…and now I’m back…. for a minute anyway

Hey friends! I am BACK from Creative University… OH MY GOOODNESSS! I am so exhausted! We had such a delightful, fantastic, exhausting, phenomenal BLAST! I can’t even begin to describe the amount of crazy fun we had. Let’s just say: Tresa Black ROCKS and throws one heck of a party! My roomies ROCKED! I met some FANTASTICALLY FUN people!! AND I will be BACK next year. 🙂 I won’t have a SSD Sketch for you this week. I am exhausted…

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You’ve Got To Start Somewhere – A Traditional Paper Layout

You’ve Got To Start Somewhere – A Traditional Paper Layout

{Scheduled Post} Ok so don’t pass out. LOL!  I PAPER scrapped last week.  Ay yi yi… I can’t remember the last time I seriously scrapped a layout with paper and traditional supplies… meaning non-digital. LOL! This layout filled two purposes for me.  I needed a paper layout for one of the art contests at Creative University  and Erin Gudge (the OTHER Erin G) at Treasured Scrapbooking was holding a Guest Designer contest for her store and pointed me in the…

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