Studio Update: Fabric + Thread + Mom = Curtains

Studio Update: Fabric + Thread + Mom = Curtains

Greetings from Sunny Des Moines, Iowa! I’m here with Brent and Sadie visiting my family for the week. Brent was finally able to connect his laptop (with my pics on it) to Mom and Dad’s internet connection so I can finally post! YAY!

Last week, Mom and I pulled out my Bernina and fabric and began making curtains for the studio. They turned out a little different than I had planned on, but I still like them a lot! I’ve got to find a different trim than the one I’d originally picked out and hand stitch it on sometime this next month.

Here’s mom deciphering the destructions….

… which we blatantly disregarded and started laying out the pieces and cutting them out. The hardest part was deciding which pieces to put on which fabrics (I had bits and pieces that I’d picked up from various places).

Then Mom took a break to call home and tell Dad she loved him. 🙂

58188-img_8832-4788394I stitched and stitched and stitched….. and stitched some more. Thank goodness fora GOOD machine that sews so smooothly! Ignore my scariness… keeping it real here. We woke up and just started creating.


13da9-img_8811-48155692 DAYS later we had curtains…. The package stated it was a 2 hour project, but for some reason (perhaps the blatantly ignoring the destructions pages and using several fabrics instead of just two) the project stretched out over two days. These curtains are basically the same pattern that hangs in my front room (with only two fabrics)…. somewhere during the stitching and stitching I remembered why the top seam of my front room curtains is not done…. AND why I swore 7 years ago that I would never make that pattern again…. When it’s all stretched out, the stitched fabric measures over 10 feet long. Crazy!!

All in all it was loads of fun and I think they turned out great! They look even more vibrant and are much prettier in person. I can’t wait to get the rest of the studio together…. it’s finally feeling like we’ve made a lot of progress! YAY!

Inky Smiles,

8 thoughts on “Studio Update: Fabric + Thread + Mom = Curtains

  1. oh Erin I love them! They are too cute with all the fun colors in them! Glad it was a fun project – I need to do something to my windows but I have no machine so no curtain making for me! Hey wanna come over and visit?!?!?!?!?

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