Studio Tour: Part 5 – It All Fits Together In This Small Space {full reveal}
So now we’ve made it through the details of how I organize and function in this space… here’s the full reveal of my creative space. I know, I know… how long have I been promising it?? {I hereby pinky swear to never promise anything on a time schedule ever again…. }
This is a wonky, odd shaped, small space that I share with the family office at the bottom of the stairs in the corner of the basement. {Ok, mostly I’ve taken over..} Here’s the “official tour”. Thank you for your patience. I hope you like it as much as I do and I hope it inspires you in some way to do something fun with your creative space, no matter what wonky size or shape you’ve got.
{You can click on the photos for a larger view. They should open up in a new window.}
{Edited: All of the details – pattern # for curtains, paint color, etc., are listed in the posts linked under “My Studio” on the left side of this blog.}
Peeking down the stairs from the first level. All the crazy colors in my house meet in this small little space… Thankfully the tin box of silk flowers breaks it up and blends all the colors together and makes it work! {Yah, I know there’s no carpet on the landing… LOL! When Brent got laid off in Jan we put the remodel finish on hold. Now that he is full time employed again we are gearing up to choose carpet for the stairs after we get back from visiting my folks.}
When you hit the bottom of the stairs and look left, I have some fun clipboards hanging on the angled wall with pics of my favorite people to keep me company.
Looking straight ahead from the stair landing is the office workstation. {I must have been jamming to tunes on winamp.. it’s up on the monitor. Today’s blogging tunes are a variety of hits from Ace of Base and the Beatles… Winamp is playing in alphabetical order this afternoon… hehe!}
And we’ll go around the room from here…
And that view again from the hallway into the studio….
And back around… here you can see the antique window and what I did with it. Originally I had wanted to do a “wall of E’s” all cutely decorated and altered, but as the studio re-do progressed there wasn’t a wall that really worked for just “E’s”. I thought the window was a fun place to rest some of the previously altered E’s. I’ve got to work on some more.. just gotta find some cool looking letters.
A bird’s eye view of the whole space. It’s hard to get an accurate photo of the place because of the wonky size/shape.
This is my space. I love it. I am so very grateful for a sweet husband who helped me customize it and agreed to the fru fru and fun colors in the open space. It took a long time to pull it all together. {Life happens that way sometimes… and the cleaning and purging and organizing was a bear!!} But it came together and it fits my creating style and it works for mE.
Thanks for coming along on this tour with me!
Inky Smiles & Happy Crafting!
26 thoughts on “Studio Tour: Part 5 – It All Fits Together In This Small Space {full reveal}”
I adore and love this space! You guys did a fabulous job! Incredible! Can I come play and mess it up with you?
Wow! I am waaaaaay jealous what a beautiful and creative inspiring space! Love it and Thanks for sharing!
Wow! I am waaaaaay jealous what a beautiful and creative inspiring space! Love it and Thanks for sharing!
WOW! Your space looks FABULOUS! I’m oh-so-jealous! Ah, well… soon, (I hope) we will have our very own house and I will have my very own room and will do something equally fabu with it! Some great ideas here, GF, and very aesthetically pleasing, as well! Thanks for sharing!
Erin….this is AWESOME! I love all your ideas and the whole shebang. I have studio envy! LOL I love how you made it work for YOU and B.
Congrats on getting this accomplished. You deserve all the creativity that flows from this space.
Wow Erin, I absolutely love your room. The colors are so much fun! I know you’ll enjoy every minute you spend there! Now we just need some of your creativity to rub off on me … I’ve been in a creative funk for way too long!
It’s beautiful. I love it!
Erin–that room is amazing! do you feel instantly more creative in such a space? I LOVE THE WALL COLOR–what is if called? Green is my favorite color and I use it too much-probably.
Great job–it looks fantastic.
Your studio is amazing! What an accomplishment to have it done! Thanks so much for sharing!!
BEAUTIFUL space!!! Think about submitting to one of the scrapbooking magazines! You did an awesome job!
Awesome. Love the warm feel of your scraproom and the organization. I hope to get there some day. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful office! I am very jealous!!
WOW! I’m drooling so much I can hardly type! I love everything about it!!! I try to be organized but not quite there yet! I really need to find some kind of desk! That is my biggest problem. I currently use a folding table. UGH!
oooh, looks so beautiful. you are very lucky!! WTG!
What a great space! Love it and you did a fabulous job organizing it and making it work for you. 🙂
OMG that is beautiful..I am sooooo jealous..wow..I am soooo happy for you!!
That is a great scrap space!!! I love the color green!!!! Happy Scrapping 🙂 XoXo Niki_Ray
Beautiful space. I love what you’ve done with it!
I am so jealous!! What a fabulous space you have. WOW girl. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Wow, I’m not jealous at all, it looks great! =)
Wish I could have a space like that, but I have to get a bigger apartment first! =)
Hugs, Elenor
L@@@@E it all, E!!!!
this is fantastic! I started a new link list on my blog side bar starting with this post! thank you for inspiring us all!
I love, love, love, your studio!!! I’m very jealous!
Beautiful job!!!
I am absolutely awestruck and inspired by your studio! I love all the detailed pics and descriptions. What a fabulous space! Your room is very close in color to what I painted mine (CTMH Sweet Leaf), so you’ve given me some great ideas for accents. Fun–thanks for sharing 🙂
i love it!!! it looks designer 😀 with all the neat and tidy storage, the fun colors, the classy furniture. you both did a fabulous job making this space 🙂