SSD April Hop Blog Candy Winner

SSD April Hop Blog Candy Winner

Hey friends!

I am so sorry that I am so late posting this!  I completely spaced it.  Brent took half of Friday off to hang out with me and then his bro called and invited us to drive down to Bryce Canyon with him and his girlfriend on Saturday. (Which was oodles of fun, btw, but my knee learned new meanings of the word “pain”. LOL!)  By Sunday I was totally not in the crafting zone and remembered this morning that I needed to announce the winner.  DOH!

Ok, so without further groveling…  our winner for the April SSD Blog Hop Blog Candy (Skipping Stones Design Funny Coffee Vol I stamp set) is:


Barb’s Boys, that would be you, chica!   Drop me a note at inkysmiles @ gmail dot com with your mailing info and I will  pop this yummy candy in the mail to you!

Inky Smiles!


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