RAK Winner Announced & Craziness Update. LOL!

RAK Winner Announced & Craziness Update. LOL!

We have a RAK winner from the Single Lovely Action/RAK Challenge post! YAY!

The winner is:

Michelle said…

Its funny how such simple things that we do can affect someone. Wednesday I had some last minute things to buy at the grocery store. I had less than 10 items. The lady behind me had a couple more than me but her two kids were tired and kranky so I let her in line in front of me. She started crying. She was having a really bad day and just wanted to get home.. and was so thankful I would do that for her. It was no big deal to me? What an extra 5 minute wait???

I will think of something to do this week. Not sure what but I’m sure the opportunity will arise.

November 28, 2008 7:40 AM

OH, and… I decided to give away a second set of covers!!! WOO HOO! The second set randomly goes to someone from my subscriber list!


rm3116 – please shoot me an email from the email you used to subscribe to my blog with your snail mail address and I will pop the second set in the mail to you this week 🙂

Oh man, I need to apologize for not announcing this sooner. You know how life gets away from you sometimes? Last week it totally got away from me! Here’s an update on the craziness factor at our house:

1.) We have had a sale on RibbonStaks and InkStaks over at StamperStorage and have been super busy cranking out InkStaks.

2.) Brent sanded and re-painted the baseboard trim for the front room and nailed it back up so that we could get ready to do #3.

3.) We got the Christmas tree set up and lights put on it one night and I got it decorated the next day. I put up my nativities in my red hutch last night and we had a “Family Home Evening” with just me & B and made a new wreath for our front door.

4.) I worked a couple extra days. (Money is nice at Christmas time! LOL!)

5.) We’re back to working on the house remodel. I think we got burned out in October and construction skidded to a putter/halt. Brent’s been doing bits and pieces of things here and there, but I think both of us are ready for a busy week or two to finish things up for good and get working on the new piece of furniture for my studio and a few other items for around the house. (Thank goodness we have a couple of weeks off at Christmas to work around the house!)

* My master bathroom is soooooo close to done. The tile work is done and needs to be washed and then sealed. The floor is done, needs to be washed and sealed. The walls are patched and sanded and need to be textured and painted… which means I need to decide on a color… STILL… argh!

* We’ve also got to sand, paint and install all the trim (doors and baseboards) in the rest of the house. We also have to finish installing the wood floors in the basement.

* The master bedroom still has the nasty old carpet in it.. ick… we’re waiting to put the wood floors down in that room until the master bathroom is done and put back together so we don’t have to haul things over the wood floors and risk damaging the floor. Brent started the prep process by dejunking the bedroom and closet a bit yesterday. YAY! Once we get the bathroom up and running, we’ll install the wood floor. YAY!

* I drew up plans for my very own new and completely custom InkStak…. B is picking up the materials for it today and hopefully once we get caught up on this most recent batch of InkStak orders we can build mine…. which puts me SOOOOOO much closer to getting the studio together and done and ready to show you! YAY!

6.) My back/hip is still killing me from time to time. The muscle relaxer that the dr prescribed seems to help a bit, but I can only take them at night and some mornings I just feel horribly groggy and oogy. I do better when I don’t sit at a desk for long periods of time… which is also not conducive to playing with paper. Grrrr.

7.) I’ve been working on Christmas presents that I can not show on here because the recipients read my blog. I’ve also been working on some fun projects to show you all, too. I’ve taken photos and just need to get them edited and posted. Hopefully in the next couple of days! 🙂

8.) Been working on other projects we’ve got going on (like sorting out the supplies in my studio… I have way too much stuff that I may or may not ever use… ugh) and miscellaneous things that just take up time. Mt Grotegut is still lurking in my laundry room and occasionally calls my name, but I think I can avoid it for one more day…..

9.) Christmas shopping and project-ing… lol! … ’nuff said. 🙂

So that’s it in a nutshell… I’m going crazy or are already there and don’t realize it. I am sorry that I’ve been taking such long breaks between posts. I’d rather be playing and posting, but I am having to deal with every day life issues lately. LOL! I guess it’s really not that “crazy”, just really busy.

Back soon with some fun art to share! Inky Smiles!

3 thoughts on “RAK Winner Announced & Craziness Update. LOL!

  1. Yup, Christmas is coming and life is getting crazy! I spent all day Saturday shopping, all morning wrapping presents and then spent $70 at the Post Office mailing packages and buying stamps! Not exactly cpnducive to keeping a clean house! I still love this time of year!

  2. Yea! I can’t believe I won!! You’ve been very busy. I would like to paint all of my trim.. and eventually replace all of my carpet with wood! Such a huge chore! you can email me at tolep8nt @ cableone.netI’m not sure how to get ahold of you! Thanks again!

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