Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodles

It’s no secret that I don’t like pumpkin… and since it is officially fall now we can talk about it!
Ha! But I DO like pumpkin spice. You know why? Because there’s no actual pumpkin in it! It’s Pumpkin Spices (sometimes also called Pumpkin Pie Spice) – a blend of delicious spices, not pumpkin flavored spices.
So many folks can be confused. Say it with me now, “pumpkin spice is not pumpkin.” Haha!
The pumpkin (pie) spice blend is a lot like the apple pie spice blend…
🍎 Apple Pie Spice blend:
Nutmeg, Allspice, Cinnamon (And some recipes call for cardamom and sometimes ginger. I generally just do the first three ingredients. )
🎃 Pumpkin (pie) Spice blend:
Nutmeg, Allspice, Cinnamon & Ginger I especially like the ginger in both! It adds a little zip and zing. And I like to make my own blends. They are pretty easy and I always have the ingredients on hand.
Here are a couple recipes so you can make your own.
Pumpkin (pie) Spice https://www.crazyforcrust.com/diy-pumpkin-pie-spice/
Apple Pie Spice https://www.taketwotapas.com/apple-pie-spice-homemade/

Yesterday I made my first pumpkin spice flavored anything. I made Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodles! (Note: no pumpkin in these, although you can find some recipes with pumpkin actually in them.)
These were super yummy and super quick! The recipe said it makes 24 cookies, but I only got 21. I did cit the sugar back about 2 Tbs for high altitude so that may account for part of the missing 3.. there also may have been some tasting. 😉
Here’s the recipe: https://www.crazyforcrust.com/pumpkin-spice-snickerdoodles/
If you give these a try let me know what you think of them!