Happy {almost} Spring & an InkBlok!

Happy {almost} Spring & an InkBlok!

Hey friends! Happy {almost} spring!  It sure feels like spring around my place. We’ve had beautiful sunny weather and I haven’t worn a coat or jacket in several days. I am back from Creative University and am working on editing photos to share with you, but first I want to let you know what else I’ve been working on behind the scenes… A while ago I built some fun (non plain jane) ink and stain applicators with my dad in…

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Creative University Project… Sneak Peek!!

Creative University Project… Sneak Peek!!

I was asked to teach jewelry again at this year’s Creative University by Tresa Black and have been a very, very busy girl getting ready for it.  The teachers also have another project besides their class and we’ve been busy working on that project as well.  Needless to say between CU, Jr High 4H, and 8 yr old Activity Days Girls at church I haven’t had time to breathe or blog.  Oh, but I’ve wanted to and have some projects…

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A Copic Christmas

A Copic Christmas

Good morning friends! I have this friend who’s really super cool.  She teaches fabulous classes and has a spot on our local tv channel.  I try to make it to her classes whenever I can, it’s a fun night of crafting with the girls.   My friend is Sue Neal of My Eye Q.  One of the coolest things about Sue’s classes is that if you can’t make it to her local classes she will mail your kit to you!  Each…

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Adventures In Gingerbread Land

Adventures In Gingerbread Land

Wow, so for the last three weeks I have been off the radar again.  (We had my parents here for two full weeks over Thanksgiving and I was pretty much banned from the computer except for business schtuff.) So anyway, at the beginning of Nov we had our date night group get together.  Each time we get together we choose some sort of theme for the activity.  This month Angie & Aaron were in charge and they chose “Traditions”.  Angie’s…

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It’s that time again!  This year I’m partnering with Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous for a Handmade Black Friday.  All of our handmade InkStaks & RibbonStaks are on sale! AND I’ve added a grundle of miscellaneous goodies to the Special Deals & Buys section to help you with your handmade adventures! OoOoOh, AND the Original Scrapbox Big Boxes (WorkBox, CraftBox, MiniBox, SewingBox) are on sale, toO, SAVE $100.00 now with FREE SHIPPING in the continental US!!  Store your supplies for handmade…

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Pinterest.. Do you?

Pinterest.. Do you?

So for the past several months I’ve devoted a fair amount of time to a fabulous little website called Pinterest. Do you   ? If you do, you know the amount of time that gets lost while surfing the fabulous eye candy of recipes, jewelry, craft projects, style ideas…. if you don’t  well, you’re in for a major treat!  Just a click away, Pinterest can transport you to the wilds of imagination and help you crawl out of your creative funk/slump….

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Witches Night Out – Happy Halloween!

Witches Night Out – Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween friends! Hope this post finds you getting ready to go out a-spookin’ tonight with your kids or friends! Tonight Brent and I will be chillin at home with some movies, caramel apples and cider and answering the door for trick or treaters… when we run out of candy we will hide out in the basement. 🙂 A couple of weeks ago I went out “witching” with some girlfriends in Salt Lake City.  There’s a shopping center called Gardner’s…

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Video Tutorial – Nickel and Dime Style Bling Rings

Video Tutorial – Nickel and Dime Style Bling Rings

Hey guys! It’s been a LOOONG crazy summer!  I know I’ve been MIA entirely too long.  We have had so much going on around here and quite frankly, I decided to cut a few things out of my life for a little while and not stress about them.  It’s been a nice vacation from the blog, but I think I am ready to get back into some crafty action again! We’re still in the process of remodeling our kitchen. We…

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My Poor Neglected Little Blog & A Creative Escape

My Poor Neglected Little Blog & A Creative Escape

Hello friends! I bet you thought you’d never hear from me again.  But alas, I’ve wandered back into Blog Land again. I haven’t really been very far away, though. I walk past this computer day in and day out, but I just haven’t sat down to write anything in aaaages.   I don’t even know where to start again. SOOOO much has been going on here at our house since I last left you with the pics of the start of…

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The Stamper Storage Becky Higgins Giveaway Sneak Peek!

The Stamper Storage Becky Higgins Giveaway Sneak Peek!

Here’s our prize package.  It is going live on Becky Higgins’ blog tomorrow and you gotta make sure you hop on over and enter to win!  Click on the photo to automatically go to Becky’s blog.  Becky will not be sending emails to let you know you’ve won.  You will need to check her blog when she announces all the winners on Monday 7/11. Good luck & Inky Smiles!