Crafting with Food: Thai Fresh Spring Rolls

Crafting with Food: Thai Fresh Spring Rolls

Hello sweet friends! Our move to Colorado is coming along nicely… We found a home and will be living in a beautiful town called Castle Rock which is just about 12 minutes south of Brent’s work and 30ish minutes south of Denver. We will be closing on the home Nov 16th and moving out there that week.  Brent is currently commuting to Colorado.. which totally stinketh.  Our Utah house is now listed and we are anxiously waiting for a buyer. …

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From Couch to 500….

From Couch to 500….

*Warning* LOADS of Photos… This summer I have focused on my health… a big part of why I have partially “abandoned” this blog.   In February I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and ridiculously (near dead) low levels of oxygen in my blood stream… (The last two years of my life have been a crazy medical mess.)  The doctor put me on a CPAP machine and oxygen at night and they have literally CHANGED.MY.LIFE In the first week of May…

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Big HUGE News

Big HUGE News

Friends & Family… We have some crazy news! And now that all our immediate family knows I can “say it on the webs….”. hehe. This last week we had a major curve ball thrown at us. We’ve had a feeling for several months (which explains a little bit of my distraction from my blog) that “something was in the works” for us. A week ago this past Friday Brent was offered a promotion/new position at his company’s (Jab Broadband) corporate…

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My Life’s Journey – A Mini Album

My Life’s Journey – A Mini Album

Wow, I’ve been gone quite some time from the blog.  No excuses, just busy living life.  Those of you who are facebook friends have seen what I’ve been up to.  (I hope to post about my adventures here in the next little while.) At the beginning of August I attended a class by my friend, the fabulous Sue Neal.. I just LOVE Sue’s classes!  I don’t make it to every one of them but try to go when I can…

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NSD 2012: A Day at Doodlebug!

NSD 2012: A Day at Doodlebug!

Last week my friend, Michelle (in WA state), sent me an email about a last minute event at Doodlebug Design in Salt Lake City….  I jumped at the opportunity to go, even last minute, and invited my friend, Tahne (in SLC), to come along.  Oh my gosh, was I glad I did!  I had the most fun NSD outing ever on Saturday! Doodlebug HQ is probably one of the most colorful places on the planet… what a FUN, FUN, place…

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Crafting On!

Crafting On!

Hello sweet friends! Yes, it’s been a while again. I did not anticipate abandoning my blog again… but sometimes life just happens.  April was an INSANE month for us… without boring you with all the details I will just say: “One work trip, one birthday (Brent), 2 surgeries (one Brent, one me), planning for one Creative Escape that I’m hosting this month, etc….”  All is well, we’re recovering from our minor surgeries and I’m chugging away in my studio. One…

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Black Magic – A Folksy, Doodly Focal Image Technique

Black Magic – A Folksy, Doodly Focal Image Technique

Today I have a fun, folksy, doodly focal point image technique to share with you called Black Magic.  I saw this technique at SCS and fell in love with it and decided I just had to teach it at Creative University. It’s easy, fun, and different! I love the folksy look of the white doodles.  They remind me of tole painting and folk art. Here’s how you do it. Black Magic – A Folksy, Doodly Focal Image Technique I’ve been…

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Faux Silk – A Luxurious Background Technique

Faux Silk – A Luxurious Background Technique

As promised I have another fun artsy technique for you today.  This one is called Faux Silk. I really like the texture that this technique gives to a focal point. Simple, quick, and beautiful. Here’s how you do it . []

Bird on a Wire

Bird on a Wire

Several weeks ago I share this sneak peek of the project I taught at Creative University in February. Here’s another peek/close up: And here is the whole bracelet. I went with the whole “woodland” theme this year.  (Our charm swap was “Woodland Fairies”.) The focal point is a bird on a giant turquoise egg in a wire wrapped nest. It was CRAZY prep work for this class… hundreds of beads & findings to sort and count, wire & chain to…

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Oxy Magic – An Inky Background Technique

Oxy Magic – An Inky Background Technique

Hi friends! Today I have a fun technique to share with you! This year at Creative University Tresa had the teachers put on a Technique Boutique.  Each of us contributed 4 technique make n take style tutorials for the boutique.  For my techniques I tried to do something “different” than what you’d see at a traditional “stamping demo party”.   I will be sharing alll 4 techniques via video over the next couple of weeks.  This is one of my favorites! …

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