Ladder Scarf Tutorial

Ladder Scarf Tutorial

Hello again! This post is a follow up to yesterday’s Frozen Scarf post.  I figured with all the photos it would be better to split it into two posts and keep the tutorial separate. This is the scarf I shared yesterday: Today I am going to give you a very basic tutorial to make this scarf.  Disclaimer:  I have never written a pattern/instructions for crocheted ANYTHING… but this is so ridiculously easy that I don’t think I can mess it…

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Baby, It’s Cold Outside… A Scarf Inspired by Frozen

Baby, It’s Cold Outside… A Scarf Inspired by Frozen

While much of the country is freeezing their bums off covered in a blanket of snow, here in Colorado we have been enjoying a lovely, sunny 57* – 63* most of the past week.  (Mind you, we had a visit from the great Polar Vortex just prior to this faux Spring, so it’s been much welcomed, and a tease, because I know what is coming….) Remember this sneak peek? I know I promised I was working on the post for…

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Spice, Spice, Baby

Spice, Spice, Baby

Since moving to Colorado I have been working part time as a professional organizer with my friend, Christa, at Peace Together Spaces.  It has been a lot of fun and fills my need to “sort and purge”.  Organizing other people’s spaces is a lot of fun and easier for me than organizing my own spaces (no emotional attachment to things).   Today I wrote a post for the PTS blog… let’s get those spice cabinets organized, peeps! Check it out by…

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Breakfast Muffins… To Go!

Breakfast Muffins… To Go!

  And now I’m back… from outer spaaaace… ok, so it has been WAY too long since I blogged.  I want to be a better blogger again.. really, but I refuse to promise to blog at “X” intervals because well, I’d be a big liar head and really, I don’t want to be that way. We’ve been trying to eat healthier (and mostly homemade) here at our house.  I am working on losing more weight and just getting back to…

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No Need to Knead & Soups On! Lazy Food….

No Need to Knead & Soups On! Lazy Food….

2023 edit – this post is super duper old and transferred from my old blog.   I plan on updating it in a new post in the future here with new photos and new mix in ideas.  In the meantime, enjoy this delicious bread! I’ve been learning that cooking at our high Colorado altitude is a little different than cooking at our previous altitude in Utah.  Here we are at 6,300 ft and in Utah we were at 4,700 feet.  While…

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Going Bat Stick Crazy Around Here

Going Bat Stick Crazy Around Here

And now for the excuses….. I have not died. Or driven off the face of the earth. (Yes, it looks like we might drive off the face of the earth on this road up to Pike’s Peak… oy) I have just been living a very crazy life here in beautiful Colorado. To catch you up on everything would make for a thick novel so instead I will sum it up. 1) Had a GREAT My Creative Escape retreat here in…

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Dance In The Rain

Dance In The Rain

I have not been diligent about blogging lately.  I’m trying to figure out this house and get things settled in it so that it feels more like a home.  We are also gearing up to put lights in the ceiling in my studio, so I’m packing up the goodies I just unpacked to make room for a little mess.  Yes, I know, crazy, there’s not much out to put away.. just boxes and my main workspace to cover with plastic. …

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The Derby… Blingsta Style

The Derby… Blingsta Style

So I have already failed my goal of blogging once per week.  I have no excuses.  Really. Immediately after we moved here, like the first or second Sunday we were at church, I was asked to be the Bear Cub Den Leader. (Yes I hear you laughing… stop.  Really.  Not funny.  Ok, so it’s hilarious.  Laugh all you want.) At first I was all, “What the what? What are you smoking?” And, “I am SO not a little boy person….

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Gelatin + Acrylic Paint + Paper = ART!

Gelatin + Acrylic Paint + Paper = ART!

We’re slowing getting settled in to our new home here in Colorado.  I haven’t crafted in quite some time…. in fact, nearly every craft supply or tool I own is still packed away neatly in boxes… BUT, earlier this week end of last week I did dig my desk out from under the chaos of boxes and furniture that is currently occupying my future craft room.  We figured out some good configurations for workstations and are deciding on color for…

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An Inky Update

An Inky Update

We are moving in a week!!!!!  YIKES!!! Our Utah home went under contract THIS MORNING! Holy moly!! We are having a sale at Stamper Storage!!  SaWEET! Here’s some info: