My Sunshine….

My Sunshine….

I love my husband. He is my best friend and he brightens each and every one of my days.  He also just celebrated a birthday… which meant I needed to make him a card.

I always struggle with masculine cards so I went with something super simple but to the point.  I gathered up some miscellaneous buttons and pulled out some my scrap paper bin and searched through the patterned paper for something fun and a little funky. I kinda had an idea rolling around in my brain and just needed to get it out of my head.

And I like how it turned out. 🙂



I knew did not want to stamp on this card so I pulled out some fun little alpha stickers and trimmed them up to fit the sentiment “mat”.


When I had it mostly assembled (dry fit) I decided it needed a little something else so I threaded Bernie and did some machine stitching for a little texture.   I tore some strips of scrap paper and “stitch bunched” a ribbon onto the strip as well.


I think he liked it, too!


Inky Smiles!

3 thoughts on “My Sunshine….

  1. Awwwww, very sweet and a great card! You do masculine very well. Happy Belated Birthday, Brent! I hope it was a good one!

    Thanks for sharing, Erin!

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