Movie Star!

Movie Star!

(You’re supposed to say the title like that chica from Super Star… Movie Stahhhhhhhhhh! But please, no hands in the armpits…. thanks.)

Holy Schmokes Scrap{Wo}man! It’s been one heck of a week already… an it’s just Monday. Mt Grotegut is still ever present in my laundry room… but I figure I can work on that later. There’s nothing wrong with fishing for clean clothes from the pile every morning, right? HAHAHA!

Anway… had a lot of fun last night making a video for that something wonderful I’m working on…. think {DREAM JOB}…. ink, paper, BLING, cool tools, etc…
. and I can still do the things I’m doing right now (more deets later when it’s all finished). Callin’ on some blogger love to send some prayers my way 🙂

Here’s some goofy pics of the filming. I guarantee, there will be no acting in my future. I get silly after the first 8 zillion takes. LOL! I changed my shirt to a pink one, because the orange one would not cooperate. The sleeves kept being retarded. LOL! Brent’s super nice boss let us borrow his VERY COOL and VERY EXPENSIVE camera. I didn’t touch it… I’m a klutz and there’s no way my PT salary can afford to replace that camera anytime soon! T he Crew was hard at work. I kept forgetting what I wanted to talk about… serious butterflies, man! Thankfully I have a very sweet Crew… and very affordable! Love him soooo much! Isn’t he cute??

filmstrip4web-8359442And this is what cheering section (uhm, I mean audience) did….

I can’t wait to tell you more… I’ve gotta tie up the ends and then I can tell u what I’m up to 🙂 I will be back tomorrow with a fun project & the unveiling of the new color scheme for my studio!

Inky Smiles!

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