Midweek Blog Candy Winners

Midweek Blog Candy Winners

It actually only took us 4 hrs and about 40 minutes to clean the room. It didn’t look as bad in the one before pic…. oh man, you didn’t see that nothing was in order and that I didn’t know what I had tucked away in miscellaneous totes and drawers. Thankfully Brent is a good work master… I had pulled everything out and just got overwhelmed with the piles of stuff. He was good at crackin the whip to make me decide what to do with things and keep on truckin’. If I had to do it by myself it would have taken days while I reminisced over bits and pieces of scrap papers and stickers and “oh that would be great for ____ project!” LOL!

Anyway.. I am so glad to have at least the sorting and organizing done! Brent said I am grounded from catalogs and parties! He also said, “Now make sure you pick up as you go so it doesn’t turn into this again!” I love that man! 🙂

I’ve picked 4 random winners:

  • Yvonne W.
  • Selina
  • Kelly Jo
  • Jessi Gribbin

Please email me at inkysmiles @ gmail . com with your mailing address!

Inky Smiles!

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