Midday News & Enabler Alert

Midday News & Enabler Alert

First things first. I received a call from Carrie @ Brains on Fire this morning. I did not get through to the phone interviews which means I did not get the DREAM JOB. This is ok, though. I mean, how many folks actually have the opportunity to even APPLY for their dream job? I am totally bummed, but still hopeful that I have a chance to try again after the position comes open again in two years. I am not going to try to guess why or why not, just going to get up and keep on trucking. I guess I have the time now to focus on the other projects that I have on my plate.

Second… this darn cough will not go away and I’m starting to feel miserable again. So, went back to the dr this morning {bright and early} and go another round of antibiotics, stronger this time. Apparently my left lung is happy, but my right lung has become bad again. GRRRR *cough*…… So with Levaquin and a steady stream of mucinex in my body I hope to beat this pneumonia once and for all. Goodness knows that Brent is probably sick of his sweet wife sounding like a cigar smoking bar maid. LOL! *cough*

This brings me to my latest ENABLER ALERT .

I got this quote of the day in my inbox this morning from the Foundation for a Better Life:

“Just go out there and do what you’ve got to do.”
—Martina Navratilova (b. 1956), former World No. 1 woman tennis player

Today I “just gotta go out there” and do some retail therapy without leaving the house (dang pneumonia)… lol! This morning I purchased a couple of way cool Fiskars border punches online and now I am off to do some shopping for some fun masks and cool digi elements at the new sale going on at Scrap Girls. From now until midnight on March 31st, most everything in the Scrap Girls boutique is 18.3% off.

Click here to start shopping the sale!

10 thoughts on “Midday News & Enabler Alert

  1. Ohhh Erin, hope you are feeling better! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! Was wondering why I hadn’t seen you for so long! Have you registered for DID? Hope to see you in the chatroom soon! (((((hugs))))))

  2. Congrats on getting to the phone interview part! It’s a great accomplishment! But I do know how you feel. Take care and I also hope you feel better soon! {{{hugs}}}

  3. You are the BOMB!!!!!!! I love you the best and am so glad you went out of you r comfort zone. What an example!!! Hope ypur lung cooperates!Hearts n huge!!!

  4. This just means that there is something better in store for you. Keep your chin up! I hope you are feeling better real soon!

  5. So sorry to hear that!As they say, things usually work out for a reason and you must have something even better on the horizon!Hugs!

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