It’s Not Easy To Eat Green: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
In our almost 12 years of marriage we have never done the “green thing” for St Patrick’s day but this year I felt like it might be fun to do something for it. Originally I thought I’d do the whole Corned Beef Brisket with cabbage, taters, and carrots thing, but then I got to thinking about it… the last time that Brent and I made corned beef brisket neither of us cared for it that much so down the disposal it went.. blech. I made a command decision this afternoon to change the menu plan…
I decided to make GREEN Fettucini Alfredo (homemade sauce) with a GREEN salad with GREEN ranch dressing and GREEN garlic bread. For dessert, GREEN frosted (airbrushed by the bakery) cupcakes. It’s fun what you can do with a few drops of green food coloring… tee hee! Oh, I also picked up some Mt Dew for a green beverage, but then remembered it’s more yellowy than green. (We’ve given up soda at our house… it’s a rare treat now.) Brent chuckled when I told him what we were having for dinner, but I think he also appreciated me NOT making corned beef brisket…
Here are a few snapshots of our fun meal.
It was VERY strange to be eating green alfredo sauce and green ranch dressing. I kept anticipating green frosting with the alfredo sauce, lol! It didn’t taste any different, but it kind of tweaks your brain a little… The garlic bread burned on one half of each piece (due to it rolling on its side and us not paying enough attention) but it still tasted good. We just cut the breads into normal slices once it was cooked and tossed the burned parts.) I printed the cupcake wrappers from the Tip Junkie website because I didn’t have enough time to create my own in MTC and cut them out.
Here are some tips when coloring your food green:
1) Soften your butter to near melted before stirring in your food coloring or you will be chasing it around the bowl forever.
2) Add your food coloring to your cooked sauce at the very end. For the recipe we made (about 1 qt) we used roughly 22-23 drops of food coloring.
3) Shake your ranch dressing like mad to prevent streaking. (I use the Tupperware shaker when I make my homemade ranch.)
4) Buy your cupcakes pre-sprayed at the bakery. mmm!
Hope you had a terrific St Patty’s day!
Inky Smiles!
PS… Back soon with charm pics. I’m sooo behind in editing pics, but they are next up!
5 thoughts on “It’s Not Easy To Eat Green: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner”
and may your poo be soft and clear!
ROFL, Terri! Brent was just commenting “I wonder how that green food coloring is goign to affect us.” BOYS! LOL!
Yes, the bread is funky looking, but it sure tasted good. LOL!
LOL! This really cracks me up! It looks pretty sick.. I'm sure it tasted great but I may have had ot close my eyes. The first thing I thought when I seen the pictures was 'Frosting on salad and pasta?” LOL!
FYI – We had our RS birthday party Tuesday. It was a blast. We played Minute to Win it.. Two at a time for each challenge. Almost everyone got to participate
Okay, you are braver than I to do this. Glad it still tasted great (although not sure why it wouldn't). I have to admit that I'm nervous about making the corned beef I've got in the fridge. A couple of people have done an ick when I mentioned it and I've never eaten it. Not sure if I should even try!
LOVE THIS!!! Growing up my mom did this every year. Green milk for breakfast with green pancakes, green mashed taters for dinner etc. My dad is a trucker and was never home for St. Pat's Day but the 1 year he was home, he thought my mom was nuts. LOL