In Like a Lion, Out Like a ….

In Like a Lion, Out Like a ….

… Lamb? Fat Polar Bear


Lambs are white and fluffy…

Snow is white and fluffy…

But lambs are WARM!

Mother Nature is either kidding with us or is suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. This is nuts. But it gets worse. Check THIS out. We can expect two more days of it this week. YIKES!

Sadie was not sure about this new layer of 4-5” of fluffiness. She was so stoked about the nice warm t-shirt and shorts/lightweight pants weather we were having the day before. Ok, so that was me… but still… I think she was getting used to the idea of being able to lay on the back porch in the sunshine curled up like a cat… (That wasn’t me, but I do like to lay on my bed and nap in the sunshine if I think about it.)



Sitting down to pluck the heavy, wet snow out of her paws…


Somewhere under this fluff are daylilies already poking their green shoots out from the ground and daisies trying to green up already.


Welcome to Spring in Utah.

9 thoughts on “In Like a Lion, Out Like a ….

  1. At least you are in an area where it has the potential to leave as fast as it appears. In Minnesota, snow is possible from September through May and maybe into the first week of June. It’s not uncommon for October’s snow to last through the month of April.That’s eight months. Only crazy people live here.

  2. Too funny! Love the exchange in the comments, too. Today we are going out like a lamb…sunny and almost 50, but are bracing ourselves for the NEXT storm to hit…there’s supposedly 2-3 in line…sigh…

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