I’m Such A Copy Cat

I’m Such A Copy Cat

I loved Jeanne Tomshack’s post of her Egg Wreath and had to copy it. I love putting different wreaths on my front door for the seasons and holidays and didn’t have an Easter one. I didn’t want to purchase a ready made one because they’re in the $30-$40 range for what I was liking…. so I decided to case Jeanne’s Easter wreath and wait to buy one after the holiday on a good sale 🙂

I went to our Dollar store and picked up some eggs (36) and a wreath form. I had some leftover “grass” from another project. They didn’t have any foam forms so the wicker one had to do. It was a little bit of a pain to work with, but the glue gun and I won the battle.


Glue your first row of eggs to the back edge and side of the wreath form and then add another “row” above that row.


Squeeeeeeze some nice hot glue out onto the form between the eggs. Look at all that molten glue… The predecessor to some nice blisters.


Then begin the process of gluing in the Easter grass/shred.


This is where an old chopstick comes in handy. Trust me.


Poke, poke, poke…


Continue around your wreath form until you’ve filled in the first set of gaps.

Then layer more eggs.

And repeat the chopstick poking….

…..for about an hour and a half if you have several interruptions like doorbells and dogs or wee small children or teenagers acting like children or husbands chasing wee small dogs acting like children or something…

Until you get something that loosely resembles this:


And then go and dig in your fabric remnants basket to find a big “faux” ribbon cuz WalMart just doesn’t have anything that will work in a quantity smaller than 30 yards.

And tie it to your craziness wreath.


And hang it on your door.


And realize that your door needs a bath and last night’s wind frayed your “ribbon”.

But you don’t care ‘cuz you have cupcakes to go mess with 🙂

~Inky Smiles

8 thoughts on “I’m Such A Copy Cat

  1. Very bright and cheerful and Easter-y! I haven't done ANYTHING for Easter (yet)! Don't know if I'll bother now… Next year maybe?

  2. Fantastic, Erin! I'm so tickled you were inspired by my wreath to create one for yourself. Love how yours came out.

    Have fun creating more of those cupcakes.

    Big hugs!!!

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