Happy Little Breadmaker!
Lately I’ve felt the need to learn a different set of “skillz”. I’ve never really been able to make bread and I hear my friends talk about their “breadmaking days” and I’ve always felt a little bad cuz I haven’t been able to make a decent loaf of bread. {Brent usually makes the bread and pizza dough in our home. He’s pretty good at it, too!} Don’t get me wrong.. I like to cook and like to think I am pretty good at it… but bread baking, that’s a whole other story.
Until now…
Well… last week, anyway.
Last week my sister was raving about some delicimous rolls that a friend of hers made… so of course I begged the recipe from her so I could try it out. *buwahaha* The recipe was super duper easy and for the first time EVER I did not kill the yeast.
I usually kill the yeast. Dead-O.
Even the instant dummy proof kind.
Here are a couple of snap shots of the rolls I made. They smelled so delicious I barely let them cool before snitching one and eating it. *grin*
{We usually only eat wheat bread, but I took my wheat flour out of the fridge and it smelled like fridge and since flour usually tastes like it smells I opted for a white version.}
And then on Monday of this week I used the same roll recipe to make regular loaves of bread. I just kneaded it longer and let it raise once , then punched it down and formed into loaves and let it raise in the pans on the counter. I was reading in a bread baking book that it helps to form a nice crust if you bake it at 400 for the first 10 mins and then turn it down to 375 for the remaining 20-25 mins. I let mine go a little long at 400 (oops!) and so the crust cooked just a little darker than I’d planned, BUT it still tasted DIVINE.. especially with some butter on it. Nom, nom… Eventually I will figure out the right amount of dough to get equal size and well proportioned bread. Until then the big loaf will look like a runaway from the Hickory Kist deli… (they make some major huge loaves!)
I am so excited about this! Usually I kill the yeast and get a partial rise from the bread… or I do something else wrong and get a huge hollow section under the top crust… or it just tastes gross or is all dry and crumbly. This bread has 3 eggs which gives it a nice moist and dense (but still light) texture. It’s YUMMMMY!
These were made without the use of an automatic breadmaker, too! {I used to own one but it made crappy bread so I tossed it. Ok, call me picky. :P} I used my Kitchen Aid Pro mixer to knead the dough {you should’ve heard the heavens open up and my wrists rejoicing} and let them rise at room temp.. nice and slow.
Hope your mouth is watering like mine.. I think I’ll go slice off a piece for lunch! Back soon with some papercraft goodness!
Inky Smiles!
Updated 4/21/2011: PS. I did call my sister again and ask her if I could share the recipe… but I received a no answer… it’s a “top secret” family recipe from someone who won some awards with it. I did find a recipe online that was very close. Please see the comments in this post for the information.
8 thoughts on “Happy Little Breadmaker!”
That looks so good. I can almost taste the warm bread with butter. I just wish I could reach through the screen and take a piece.
Mmmmmmmmm, I can smell that fresh, warm bread…..yummmmmmmmmy! So, did I miss the recipe you are sharing so we can all have a positive bread experience this Easter weekend?
No recipe?!? You've made we want to go make bread RIGHT NOW!! 🙂 Looks delicious!
ummm where is the recipe????? It looks sooooo yummy!
Could you please share the recipe? 🙂 Yeast frightens me, but you're making me think I could handle this.
Hey ladies! Thank you for your sweet comments! I called my sister to ask her last night if I could share the recipe and was told that I can not because it is a “secret family recipe” and the girl (yes, a young girl) who came up with it won several awards at the Iowa State Fair. I will, however, try some other recipes to find one that is close and share it with you.
Inky Smiles!
OK.. This recipe seems to be the closest to what I used…
Instead of using partial eggs, use 3 whole eggs and increase the sugar by 3 Tbs and use slightly less flour. 🙂 It's still not the exact recipe but pretty similar. Use melted (and cooled butter) instead of shortening/lard. 🙂
I think the trick is the evaporated milk. It made the bread really moist and delish!
Good luck!
really you have been sworn to silence! My cousin-in-law wants it kept quiet 😉