Happy {almost} Spring & an InkBlok!

Happy {almost} Spring & an InkBlok!

Hey friends!

Happy {almost} spring!  It sure feels like spring around my place. We’ve had beautiful sunny weather and I haven’t worn a coat or jacket in several days. I am back from Creative University and am working on editing photos to share with you, but first I want to let you know what else I’ve been working on behind the scenes…

A while ago I built some fun (non plain jane) ink and stain applicators with my dad in his workshop.  Several friends wanted some too, so now…. and finally, after months of prep work and a kink in the manufacturing process (we build these ourselves in our shop) …..

InkBloks are available at Stamper Storage & soon in my Etsy shoppe!


Hop on over and check them out! 

Inky Smiles!

One thought on “Happy {almost} Spring & an InkBlok!

  1. I had an opportunity to utilize these lovely technique applicators and I'm in LOVE with them! They are consistently leaving breathtaking results. I also enjoy the ability to engrave my very own one-of-a-kind piece. TFS I will surely recommend.

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