Getting Back In The Saddle / Swing of Things / Craft Room Again

Getting Back In The Saddle / Swing of Things / Craft Room Again

Hey friends!

Just a quick note to let you know that I have not died or dropped off the planet. We just got back this morning (3:30 am) from a fabulous 11 day east coast vacation to see the foliage changing in upper New Hampshire, Vermont, playing in the Boston area, visiting my extended family in western Massachusetts and celebrating my grandfather’s 80th birthday. It was SO MUCH FUN and I am SO STINKING tired. COMPLETELY filled a 2 gig camera card and started on a 1 gig… Gotta make some time to organize and edit photos this week! 🙂

I did get to meet a really neat lady on the plane. She was sitting behind me talking to a darling little old lady who was seated next to her… I was trying to get comfortable with a pinched nerve in my hip (and teeeeeny tiny seat) and caught the word “scrapbooking” and “work from home”in their conversation and after a little while I couldn’t stand wondering what company she was talking about, so I was nosey and turned around to talk to her. lol! Turns out she’s is Brandy Murry from!! How awesome is that! She was on her way to the Scrap Girls convention in Salt Lake City. I thought that was pretty neat and I am totally digging her products!

Also, I did make a plethora of cards and crafty things to take along on our trip. I will share them later this week.. in the meantime it’s back to work and all the fun cleaning up, unpacking, and laundry that comes when you return from a very long trip. Here’s a little bitty I made for one of my aunts.


Inky Smiles 🙂


6 thoughts on “Getting Back In The Saddle / Swing of Things / Craft Room Again

  1. Wow, Erin, glad you were able to take your trip and visit with your family. Hope you get caught up on your rest. Looking forward to seeing more artwork.

  2. Glad you're back, darlin'! Things are getting semi-somewhat-“normal” here, so I'm blogging again, too… Wish you'd have had time to go just a bit south while you were out on my side of the continent…*sigh*…

  3. Glad you had a good time. I'm looking forward to stories and pictures. Thanks for the link to Scrap Girls! I glanced through it and wow! So many actions for PSE7! I'm so excited!

  4. Yay! Welcome back! (I've been a bit behind on my blog reading, can you tell? LOL)

    How cool you got to meet that gal on the plane.

    I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing from you on a more regular basis (I hope)!

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