Digi: In Deep First Lesson’s Layout – Geocaching

Digi: In Deep First Lesson’s Layout – Geocaching

Digi: In Deep from Jessica Sprague began on Monday and I am just now finishing Lesson 1. I had to work Monday and Tuesday (training our new secretary who’s taking over part of my old job) and didn’t have a lot of free time to play around. I can’t wait to open Tuesday and today’s emails from Jessica to see what neat tips, techniques, field trips, freebies, or challenges, they might contain. Every day we get a new email from Jess with cool stuff in it.

It only took me HOURS to do this layout, but it was so much fun! It took hours and hours because I would stop and pause my lesson as I followed along and learned all the various techniques or rewound to make sure I got it right when I didn’t fully get something immediately. DID lessons are faster paced and packed with more information than my last couple of classes.

We cut apart flourishes for the title and added to the title, cut complex shapes and masks, “cut” without cutting, recolored objects (buttons), masked paper without loads of extra layers, created scallops, and so much more.

{Click On Photo To View Larger}

Geocaching (pronounced “geo cashing” ) is one of our new(er) hobbies… mostly Brent’s, but I enjoy tagging along, too. If you want to learn more about Geocaching, visit www.geocaching.com to learn more. Be careful, it’s an addicting, and could potentially become an expensive hobby.

The text in the “vellum” journaling block says:

“You wanted a GPS unit for ages. You did your research, saved your money, and finally purchased one. Sadie and I tagged along on your adventure and spent a fun spring afternoon walking in the woods and searching for a cache. It was fun to watch you crawling through the brush looking for the cache that was right under your nose.”

6 thoughts on “Digi: In Deep First Lesson’s Layout – Geocaching

  1. I saw this in the Gallery and honestly don’t know if I commented on it. I was trying to be good and stay caught up, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do it.Anyway, LOVE it! You did an awesome job on it. Love that we are both in the same class. Yes, it’s fast and intense, but oh so fun! Hugs!

  2. I just had to share this story: I know all about GeoCaching, but haven’t officially started “doing” it, because let’s face it, I have 4kids, I homeschool, I have a real job, I have my pretend (paper hobby) job, church, etc., BUT when we were on our “Waterfall” hike that I posted on my blog a month or so ago, we found a geocache treasure. . . I left it because I wasn’t sure you were supposed to take. I always thought there should be someway in the treasure to report back to someone that you found it or otherwise people would still be hunting through the cyber clues to find it. . . Maybe it’s just a game of hide and seek and I read too much into it, but I just had to share because our treasure was equally exciting as your photo. . . a bouncy ball, a sticker, a piece of paper, a coin, a toy ring and I think that’s it. . .It does seem like a lot of fun and I enjoyed your post! Sorry about the rambling!

  3. Love the layout! YES!! We geocache too. We have been at it for almost 5 years. Oh how fun.Thanks for the inspiration to get my caching pictures out and to do something with them.

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