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Category: Hello Jalapeno

It’s Not Easy To Eat Green: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

It’s Not Easy To Eat Green: St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

In our almost 12 years of marriage we have never done the “green thing” for St Patrick’s day but this year I felt like it might be fun to do something for it.  Originally I thought I’d do the whole Corned Beef Brisket with cabbage, taters, and carrots thing, but then I got to thinking about it… the last time that Brent and I made corned beef brisket neither of us cared for it that much so down the disposal…

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Top Chopped Cook: A Date Night Idea

Top Chopped Cook: A Date Night Idea

Each month we do a date night with 2 other couples. We take turns going to each couple’s home for dinner, games, etc. Our goal was to get out and do something with friends on date night. It’s been a lot of fun!  This month it was Kelly & Kaisa’s turn to host and they chose to make dinner a game in itself.  They sent out a note to each of us with our assignments. Greetings Home Cooks: You are…

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Paninis – PuertoCuban style! (or Almosta Cubans)… An International Culinary Adventure… or something…

Paninis – PuertoCuban style! (or Almosta Cubans)… An International Culinary Adventure… or something…

So I may be buried under piles of paper and jewelry supplies but occasionally I pull myself out of the mess and make dinner for the Brent-man and myself. My friend, Jamie, has been sharing recipes and pictures of her new “skinny” meals and one of them caught my eye and whet my appetite 🙂  It’s called “Cuban Sandwich Quesadilla” and is made with Pernil, a slow cooked pork, pickles, ham, swiss cheese and mustard.   Now, I’m not a fan…

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Simple Christmas: Brownie Box Slipcover – Tutorial

Simple Christmas: Brownie Box Slipcover – Tutorial

Hello!  This morning I had an email from a friend asking me if I had seen a particular template she had been looking for “a slipcovered brownie mix” or something like that… I did a little searching and found nothing but I remembered that some mixes we bought from Lehi Roller Mills last year had “slipcovers” on them.  So this morning I set out to create my own template.  This is a simple tutorial. I shot from the hip and…

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Shabby Christmas Gifts

Shabby Christmas Gifts

On Wednesday I had brunch with a friend of mine who flew in to town to meet her first grandbaby and see her son and daughter in law.  Thankfully we were able to find some time to meet up for brunch at Mimi’s Cafe. I hadn’t seen Aura Lee in nearly 20 years.  I can’t remember how long it’s actually been.  She was one of my Young Women leaders  (female youth group @ church) when we lived in Berlin, Germany.  …

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I Think I’m Back {again}… lol.. & a Canning Recap!

I Think I’m Back {again}… lol.. & a Canning Recap!

I’ve been a crazy busy girl around here the past couple of weeks.  Stacey Flores came to visit for a week  had sooo mcuh fun! (I have some fun pics and maybe a video or two to share, too.)  I worked like crazy last week and had a lot of other things going on, too. Basically my sporadic posting on this blog boils down to one thing, my health.  For the last couple of years I have had really bad…

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The Crazy Lady Returns

The Crazy Lady Returns

Hello friends!  I’ve been absent for a while from the blog.  We’ve been crazy busy around here (that seems to be my life, doesn’t it?) again… Last Thursday I did a video at the Inky Smiles Craft Lounge and then it was crazy day after crazy day and I didn’t have a chance to post the pics of the book or anything else crafty fun. Friday I had a bunch of errands to run and ppl to meet and 54…

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BBQ’n, Smokin’ and Grillin’: Nom, Nom, Nom

BBQ’n, Smokin’ and Grillin’: Nom, Nom, Nom

So I have discovered this FABULOUS little online website called Groupon…. Groupon is a fun website that offers daily (weekday) “coupon” offers for your city. I subscribe to the Salt Lake City area, but you can sign up for ANY city they offer nearest you.    It’s free to join and you get daily emails with AMAZING offers.  Oh My Heck… and I have spent a fair bit of money on it buying Groupons for fun adventures and savings…. A couple…

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