

Hey, so I scheduled this post before I left… let’s hope the other two actually work, too! LOL!

A while back, Tresa Black gave me an award for my blog….


and I failed to follow through on passing it along…

so I think now’s a perfect time, eh?

So without further adieu….  I nominate the following folks…  for various reasons…. because they are BRILLIANTE in my books!  Stop by their blogs, check out their brilliant works of art and give them a shout!

Kathi Carlson

Barbara W.

Michelle Durheim

Karyn Campbell

Stacey Flores

Sparkle Smith

Rachelle Funk

Stacey aka “Stace”

The official rules are to tag 7 people and then they tag 7 people.  Some folks don’t like to play the tagging game, but I think it’s fun sometimes… so if you’d like to play along, go ahead and nominate more ppl on your blogs!

Have a happy day! Inky Smiles!


5 thoughts on “Brilliante!!

  1. Oh thank you! And thank you for letting me off the hook for the “tagging part”. LOL!! It’s really not my style and I don’t know why, because of course I LOVE to receive the awards!!! I’m pathetic I know. :0 Have a happy day!

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