Back to School!

Back to School!

Oh man, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged. We’ve had a busy couple of weeks and have made some progress on our house project. Tomorrow I hope to paint my studio! WAHOOOO! Brent dug out some of my crafting stuff from the guest room and we started putting the family room back together. Hopefully on Sunday (a break from construction) I will have a few minutes to sit down and create something. I have a neat tutorial that I am working on to share with you sometime next week, too!

In the meantime……

“It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year!”

It’s back to school time, yay! My friends’ kids are all back in school this week, which means many of my friends will have a little more time to do fun stuff without chasing little ones all day… It also means a big change in routines for many families. We were talking about this a few weeks ago on the Sweet N Sassy Stampers Yahoo group. Here is my contribution:

“My little girl ‘homeschools’… year round 🙂

She’s up by 6:30 & jets to the potty before dad leaves for work.

She’s back in bed by 6:35 until I haul outta bed between 7:30 and 8:00.

We have PE for about 20 mins or so playing tug of war with her rope and chase around the house until I run out of steam and eat breakfast around 8:45 or 9:00.

She lays around and watches cars (Driver’s Ed) until about 12 when it’s potty break, treat, and then naptime.

We have PE again after lunch when she chases the neighborhood kids around before they jump in the pool and then she’s back under a shade tree for her 2nd nap or sometimes she goes on a Nature Walk and checks out the birds and the wasps in the garden, occasionally trampling the flowers and I remind her of “Leave No Trace”.

After her Nature Walk, it’s back to another nap which is followed by a repeat session of Driver’s Ed on the back of the couch as she watches for Dad to return home.

As soon as Dad walks in the door, she’s all over him for an Anatomy lesson as she paws him to death because she’s so excited to see him. Anatomy is followed by a lesson in Discipline and Proper Greeting Etiquette.

The rest of the day is filled with play, more naps, treats, and hanging out.

She’s off to bed by 9:00-9:30 without any complaints….

Did I mention my girl is a border collie? 🙂 “


What are some of your “back to school tradtions” and what is your day like?
Leave me a note and this Monday Tuesday I might just draw a name for something fun
from my stash* for you to play with while the kids are in class!

*I found that I have something “Fiskalicious” in my stash that is a duplicate of something I already have… I must have forgotten that I picked it up a while back and I’ve long since tossed the receipt… I think you’ll like it!

34 thoughts on “Back to School!

  1. Ok, that was seriously funny! Don’t have any back to school stuff to share on my end…my little ones are 22 months and 3 months – no school yet!Jennifer Fiskateer #1634

  2. This is my first year not to really have to deal with back to school as my dd started FT at college – well FT for her is only 2 days a week so no real change in our routine here 🙂 She gets herself up and drives herself to class, does her own homework and worries herself about the right books not being here 🙂 Yeah for me I don’t have to do that LOL! Loved your little synopsis of your home school day! ROFL

  3. Alarm rings at 7:00 AM, I call my husband to make surehe is awake up and going! (He travels and has to be up and moving around then if not earlier or he is in real trouble) Hop out of bed get my shower and shampoo. Out of there making sure dd and ds are up and moving. If they have not showered the night before, they have to get through, if they have they just have to get dressed. Head down the hall and one of the kids has to let their dog out, we then get breakfast going-or whoever called their turn-dishes done and out the door by 8:30-school out at 3:30 ds heads to football, dd waits for the other 2 friends we go back to our house and take a 45 minutes break, snacks, change clothes, pack drinks and then off at 4:15 to drive 30 miles for cheerleading practice! Practice ends at 6:30 where we run back to the car (the other paents pick there children up after practice. They both work where practice is so it is a great help to not have to try to figure out that ride down! Run back to the car take off travel the 30 minutes just in time to pick up ds from football at 6:00. DD and DS shower, homework, I prepare dinner we eat and then dishes again and off to bed. Just to start this againthe next moring. 3 Days of school so far with 3 days the same! Denise

  4. My kids aren’t big enough to go to school yet, and in NZ our School year starts in February!! So there is no back to school tips or routines for us ….. yet!!! I love surprise RAKS!!!!! Thanks for the opportunityTracy Fiskateer #4168

  5. This year our back to school routine is I’ll be watching our granddaughter while her mom finishes u her last semester of college.PhyllisFiskateer #4811

  6. ROFLMAO – that is so cute and so true. We have no kids but a couple of dogs and a cat, so I can relate to it.As for back to school traditions – none of those either without kids, but DH has just gone back to work after 6 weeks leave so one tradition we have for that is a big shop so he can make lunches each day – has to have yummy snacks, drinks etc (worse than a kid I would say).Well its another rainy day here so we are going to … you guessed it grocery shopping lol.Catch you later.Christine C #2264

  7. funny story, I don’t hav children but helped take care of my younger brother’s and sisters till they were out of school, the only tradition I can really remember is making sure they had a new school clothes.

  8. we year round school also, and right now its the 3rd term for us – but this has meant new routines to adjust to as we have had to enrol our 12 yr old for high school next year, now we are finding uniforms, saving for books and class fees (ugh) and doing the paperwork for it. Our day starts around 7.15 with getting up for school, and at 10, 12 and 14 I am not involved in their homework anymore other than to sign it off!! thnks for the rak chance! – Nic 1033

  9. I’m ready for back to school for my two munchkins! It’s been a great, busy, summer and it’s time for the routine to kick back in! 🙂 Thanks for the RAK! I love anything fiskalicious!

  10. We always shop for new clothes, shoes and supplies ! Usually a haircut too! For some reason, I cannot walk past those 24ct pkgs of Crayola’s on sale! 22 cents, man…love those ..and somehow, they always find their way in my cart, always !!Both kids go to new schools this year, so things will be quite hectic and scary for a bit. I’m now the proud owner of a jr. high girl! (who also just got glasses for the first time!)Thanks Erin!Patty 2832

  11. As soon as I got to the part where it was greeting Daddy – I guessed it to be a dog….and sooo beautiful she is…I should take a page out of your book for my Hunterway Border Collie x lol..Back to school stuff – if I think back to when I was in school it was the packing a yummy lunch for the first day of school and a new bag full of new things especially on the first day of school. Im currently in my 6th week at Uni and its a big hassle trying to get money sorted for fees and text books and other things…bring on Two weeks time when its Study Break yea!! My niece is in school and routine things for her is doing her homework with me – so proud of my baby girl she is growing up so fast and learning new things..

  12. How hilarious. Your girl has a busy day!!!Well, my 3-year-old will be starting preschool this year on Tues. & Thurs. only for 3 hours each day, so my schedule will still be mostly the same as it is now with a few extra breaks for me! Yea!Carrie #4114

  13. My school routine this year is as follows: my DD, the youngest of 6 is a high school senior taking a zero hour, so she's up at 5:45am & I'm up by 6am. She leaves for school by 6:40am. My 19yr old DS is a sophomore at our community college & goes to school on Tues & Thurs from 8am-5pm, so he's out of the house by 7am. 2 other DSs work at the same company as DH & they are out of the house by 5:30am. 2 DSs are on their own so their schedules don't affect me anymore!!! And this year, I'm returning to school – I'm taking Intro to Computer Art on Tues & Thurs 12:30-3:10PM. I'll now work Mon & Fri 9:30-4:30, go to class on Tues & Thurs, & scrap & do laundry on Wed. Will also be going to the health club each morning before I start the above mentioned daily schedule. Wish me LUCK!!! Bonnie Fiskateer#67

  14. the only traditions here is making sure homework is done at home, not school & that lunchboxes are emptied at school.nothing beats going to wash a lunchbox with a rotten banana skin in tradtion growing up was sleeping in til my mum turned on the light & i would turn into a instant vampire & hide under the covers LOL.great rak chance 🙂

  15. My DS starts 3rd grade this year. We have the traditions of going to get basic school supplies, picking out a new backpack, and going to bed early so he can get up early without a fight–well, we haven’t mastered that one yet. 🙂 Sandy Fiskateer #1598

  16. LOL!! I was thinking I was going to have to homeschool (just for the naps) – alas I don’t suppose my 3 kids (8, 4, 2) will go for it though!! 🙂 Too cute!! My oldest went back to school last week. My middle one goes to preschool after Labor Day. No real routine here – except the morning battle with my oldest to get up (she’s not a morning person). 😉

  17. What a great story! I love the analogy! By the way it you little “girl” is so adorable!My girls start back to school next week so we have a really busy week of getting ready and remembering that we now actually have a bed time again and no more sleeping in for me 🙁 WiniFiskateer #3052

  18. I’m a homeschool mom and we don’t get nearly as many naps as in your homeschool! 😉Our routine is pretty set all year round – I’m not a big “sleeping late” mom any time of year. I figure if I have to be up, so should they. LOL.We’re beginning school this week and can’t wait!

  19. I love back to school time….I recently retired from a 25 year career in education….and I don’t have to go back! Woo Hoo

  20. I must be one of the few who doesn’t like back to school time. I rather my boys be home with me! During the school year it feels like i don’t get to spend as much time with them. They grow up so fast!!Froggy #3117

  21. Oh my gosh, your “girl” is so cute! My kids went back to school today and the dogs are laying around seeming to be lost without them. I’m sure they’ll just be watching for the school bus this afternoon. They too paw DH to death when he comes home from work. They are always so excited to see him. Isn’t it great to have such loyalty from our fur babies?

  22. Cute BabyGirl! My look almost alike is named Quentin and he is a handsome devil!Back to school:I hear those words and have a sick feeling, then I remember that school is long over. What a relief. I do have to start leaving for work much earlier, as the shorter summer commute has come to an end.

  23. Your “little girl” is precious. Mine is 9 and a tri colored beagle. She does have human brothers, one in high school and the other first year college.I am having empty nest syndrome already…JodyJane

  24. My kids start back to school tomorrow and my youngest starts kindergarten…it is a bittersweet time for me. They grow up quickly!!Tami

  25. LOL…how funny! No kids here either…the only back to school tradition we have is that my neighbor girls come over after school to let me know what they did!

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