A Puppy with an Attitude

A Puppy with an Attitude

I am grateful for my sweet Sadie who has quite the attitude & thinks she’s the Queen of Sheba. We have friends coming from Washington to stay overnight tomorrow and I’m getting the house and two guest rooms ready. Sadie is not cooperating. LOL!

This is how I found her after tucking in the slip cover on the clove seat and placing the pillows back on the love seat neatly….

3dfce-img_9406-8448723This is the look she gave me when I ordered her off the love seat…..

f08ac-img_9407-9830478And this is what she was still doing while I was glaring at her with the “mean mommy glare” that means “I meant what I said…move it!”…. LOL! The little punk!

e7c76-img_9408-4240994Still need to put baseboard trim back up and finish things around the house… the “minor remodel” is coming along nicely. We’ve taken a break for a few weeks, but I’m ready to get finished… 🙂 I will post more about the remodel another time.. hopefully sooner than later 🙂

5 thoughts on “A Puppy with an Attitude

  1. What a loving’ hound dog! We have a red border collie who makes life a beach of bliss and total running to herd us all. This Thanksgiving will be thirteen years in our clan. Brownee is a two time vehicle survivor as he loves to run with people or trail along side a people driven vehicle which he anticipates will pick him up for the ride home once he pants hard and is looking back over his shoulder. He’ll hope in with the dog catcher/ policeman without batting a puppie eye. Police give him a ride home since he is the only hound dog so willing to wag tail, hop in and go for a ride! They love him and train all the new recruits to who he is as he patrols the city. He can locate poched wild game quicker than the local gossip collumn!! Love the blog candy. Happy Thanksgiving celebration. Keep Looking Up!

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